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Chxrry's Daily Writings

Full of daily updates, creative writing, and some fun facts!
2 months ago. July 24, 2024 at 12:52 AM


8:07 PM EST


Admittedly, the start to my morning was rather slow and relatively quiet, which was nice. That was, until I was informed that they'll be shutting off the hot water for a few days. They're replacing the hot water tank, so until then I'll have to shower elsewhere on campus, which is...frustrating, to put it kindly. I spent a lot of my morning just making breakfast and doing homework. I read one of the chapters due this week, which was on Classicism. It was a fairly interesting read!


After I did some homework, I took a nap for a good while. I'm not sure why, but I was in a rather sleepy mood earlier today. I do have a relatively bad habit of staying up late, and I think it's beginning to catch up to me. Oh the woes of an insomniac. I'm sure that once the school year starts up again I'll have a better refined sleeping schedule, I honestly love having a day-to-day routine. After my nap, I went grocery shopping and made my roommate and I tacos for dinner. 


It's so funny, I used to hate going to the grocery store with my mom when I was a kid, but now I honestly don't mind it, and it's even a little bit enjoyable! At least, I try to make it fun for myself.


I have work tomorrow, so I'll most likely be doing more homework while at work. There usually isn't much going on, so I can spend my time however I'd like, so long as I don't burn the office down. Tomorrow I'll most likely watch and take notes on the lectures and complete the little quiz the professor assigns each week. Even though it's an intro class and is fairly easy, I'm still enjoying it regardless. In terms of the "arts," I tend to normally take creative writing courses (which makes sense, as that is my concentration for my major), so this course is a nice change of pace.


I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to post my poetry on here as well, so I decided that the first poem I'm going to share is my poem, "Sweet Smell." My poetry isn't erotic by any means, but I hope people still like it!! ♡


"Sweet Smell"

There is a sweet smell

somewhere in my home,

eluding me but haunting me all the same.


It permeates my nose,

it lingers in my brain,

and the taste is palpable on the tip of my tongue.


The smell is sweet,

sickening, almost.

It lingers on the walls,

always in the halls.


It compels me, the sweet smell,

to pull back the carpet, and destroy the walls.

Is it coming from the insulation?

Will it melt in my mouth, the pink fabric?

Just like cotton candy?


The smell is so sweet

I can't help but wonder,

Am I Hansel?

Am I Gretel?

Or am I the Witch?

Maybe the sweet smell

is the silent echo

of the children I've eaten.


I have poetry that I've written in my free time, but I also have poetry that I've written for previous classes if anyone is interested in those! I once was able to go to a poetry reading and read some of my poems to a group of people, which was very exciting! I hope I get to do it again soon!


I'm going to end this post here with my favorite fun fact: The concept of the zombie can be traced back to Haitian folklore in the Vodu religion! Zora Neale Hurston wrote on the Haitain zombie in her book Tell My Horse.


I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - Other things can cause a person to feel sleepy it is a sign of diabetes which I have. I certainly hope and pray that you are not a diabetic.
2 months ago
chxrrybxrry​(sub female) - I'm not sure entirely if I'm diabetic. If I am, I've never been diagnosed. It could be possible, given that my dad and grandfather are diabetic. That's interesting though, I didn't know that.
2 months ago
DelightfullyDominant​(dom male) - Lack of sleep alone is not a sign of diabetes. Nose bleeds, thirst that is not easily quenched etc are additional signs. You can get an a1c test, but I would not worry about diabetes now. You should stop eating children who eat a lot of candy though :)
2 months ago
chxrrybxrry​(sub female) - Ohh okay, that makes sense! And I'll try to cut back on that, no promises though LOL!
2 months ago

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