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Chxrry's Daily Writings

Full of daily updates, creative writing, and some fun facts!
2 months ago. August 5, 2024 at 5:11 AM


12:28 AM EST


I mentioned in my previous post about the fire alarms, but hilariously enough, they actually didn't pull the fire alarms like they said they would. I'm not sure what changed their minds, or if they found something wrong and needed to fix that, but I got up very early for no reason essentially LOL. At the very least, I was able to fall back asleep. I didn't sleep for too long, though, since I woke up again around 9 AM Saturday morning.


I spent my weekend doing homework, primarily. I finished the chapter on art controversies on Saturday, and did the little quiz and homework on Sunday (tonight, technically? lol). Since it's an intro class, I find the reading quizzes my professor assigns to be pretty easy. This one only had 6 questions, and I only spent a minute on each. The quizzes are timed, actually! She gives us about an hour and a half to complete the quizzes, which I find to be more than plenty enough of time to finish it. Oh! I also got full points on the quiz for this week!


After I finished doing homework on Saturday, I spent time with my boyfriend and we played Dead by Daylight together. Now, I'm not good by any means, and I really only play video games to unwind after a long day of classes and work, so I really only care about having fun rather than "doing well" in the game. A while ago, I initially took a break from Dead by Daylight due to the toxicity I kept experiencing. I really only got back into it since my boyfriend expressed an interest in playing a new game mode with me, and I don't mind playing games with my boyfriend. In fact, I think it's pretty nice that we can hang out and have fun that way! However, I dealt with a lot of toxicity in Dead by Daylight's new game mode, and it got to the point that I was holding back tears.


I'm sensitive, I know. But it's really frustrating having people make you feel bad for not being good at the game. Like, we all start somewhere, and you were once in my shoes. I like playing video games, I do, but I tend to stick to more laid back games where it doesn't matter if you're "good" or not.


Okay...My small rant is over, I promise LOL


After that, my boyfriend and I decided to just unwind and decompress by watching a movie instead. We ended up watching Lisa Frankenstein, which I honestly loved! It also kinda makes me wish I had an undead boyfriend 😂


Sunday was filled with doing homework, once again. I took a break at one point to watch the movie Pearl, and I almost pulled myself into watching a movie marathon and watch Pearl, X, and MaXXXine, but I got back on track with homework! The movies I watched this weekend were so much fun, I honestly want to talk to my old Film professor about these movies and see what he thinks lol.


For a poem, I have this untitled piece I wrote right before finals week in the spring semester, so enjoy!


Kiss me with forever,

where only death remains.


Lay me down to rest

on our heart-shaped marriage bed.


Carry me over the threshold,

and treat me like I'm your young bride

together on our wedding night.


We'll cut into our palms,

like we did the wedding cake.

A crimson vow

sworn beneath the stars.


The sweetest sacrament to grace your lips.

My blood is more delicious

than the frosting

you licked off the blade.


I'm not sure why, but I can't think of any fun facts 😒 It does make me curious though, what is everyone else's fun fact? I'd love to read them!


Have a nice night everyone, I'm going off to bed!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. August 3, 2024 at 5:53 AM


1:21 AM EST


Hello again! I'm back finally with some good news! We finally got clean water, and our hot water turned back on properly late Thursday night! I would've posted this update much much sooner, but I was rather busy for the majority of today, and I fell asleep surprisingly early on Thursday at around 8:30 PM EST (When my roommate told me the news about the water, she was met with a very sleepy Cherry. I had to ask her earlier this morning if that was part of a dream I had or not LOL).


After my last blog post, I ended up ordering myself some food because while the water was beginning to look cleaner, I wasn't actually sure yet if it was cleaner, and I honestly didn't want to take my chances. My roommate honestly had enough of the situation and stayed overnight at one of her sorority sister's homes off campus, which I honestly don't blame her for doing. I stayed because I'm honestly too stubborn for my own good. I got myself KFC, which was good! Can't ever go wrong with some fried chicken. 😋


On Thursday, I ended up taking a shower in the Fitness Center on campus, since multiple residential buildings were affected by the water, including the one I was using to shower. I'm going to be so happy when they stop messing with the buildings! Apparently they're going to be testing the fire alarms tomorrow morning (later today, I guess?) at 7 AM 🫠 I for one love to sleep in so this is a nightmare for me, lol. Work went smoothly overall on Thursday, and I was able to get homework done, which is great!


Work was good today, too! My coworker called off, so it was just me in the office. Honestly, I kinda prefer working alone, but don't let my coworkers know! 😉 I spent tonight after work hanging out with friends and playing games, and it's always nice to get to hang out with them. Once I'm done with this Art course (one more week!!) I'll be able to hang out with them more!


Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Cherry blog post without a poem! Here's "Poacher's Pride," which I wrote earlier this summer!


"Poacher's Pride"


I have tasted deer meat.

I know how it feels on my tongue,

I have felt it in-between my teeth,

and I cannot deny

how delicious the sport tasted.


I have felt the weight

of a BB gun in my hands

when I was a child,

and how I aimed it at a rabbit

in my Grandpa's garden.


Sometimes I wonder

if I'll be the rabbit,

or if my flesh will be eaten,

the delicate meat of me

in-between someone's teeth.


Will I be delicious?

Will they taste the sport on their tongue,

and savour it?


But for now,

I'll be laughing

at the butcher's joke

of how good

Bambi's mother tasted.


And of course, it wouldn't be a proper Cherry post without a fun fact! Zora Neale Hurston, a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance, frequently lied about her age! When she was 26, she lied about being younger than she actually was in order to get a high school education for free.


I hope everyone has a lovely rest of their day! I'm going to get some sleep before they test these fire alarms 😂 Goodnight!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 31, 2024 at 8:40 PM


4:14 PM EST


Hi everyone! It's been a bit! I know I've hardly been on here, and I'm here to post a small update to explain why.


In one of my previous blog posts, I mentioned that they were replacing the hot water tank on campus, and that in the meantime, I was going to have to shower somewhere else on campus where I can take a hot shower. We were supposed to get the hot water turned back on yesterday, however something broke (a valve, I think? That's what I've been told, anyways), and they had to turn the water off fully in order to work on it.


While they were able to fix the problem and fix what was broken today, when they turned the water back on, there was all this dark sewage water coming out instead (the smell was awful!). Currently, if I want to brush my teeth, wash my hands, boil water for food, etc. I have to use bottled water instead or go to a different building on campus to get clean water.


It's...Been a lot this week. In truth, this week hasn't gone the way I wanted it to. I'm not going to go into detail with what's been going on, but just know I'm taking it one day at a time and I try to start my days off on a positive note. ♡


Anywho, I'll try to keep you guys updated on the situation and if/when I'm able to have clean water.


Have a nice rest of your day and remember to take care of yourself! ♡


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 27, 2024 at 6:38 AM


2:05 AM EST 


I know, I know, it's technically Saturday for me, but this is my blog post for Friday LOL. I pinky promise (except not really) that I'll get some sleep after I post this. I got an abrupt awakening this morning, since my roommate came home with some groceries that I forgot to pick up. It wasn't anything too crazy, just some paper plates and some snacks we both like. She also snagged me some of my favorite sodas! I'm not going to mention the brand, cause then people will know what city I'm in, and I'm certainly not ready for that.


It's terrible, but I don't eat breakfast. At least, I don't typically wake up around the time where it's normal to eat breakfast, and when I do wake up early enough, I'm too busy getting ready for my morning classes to properly eat breakfast. I ended up making myself fettuccine alfredo for lunch, and I did the same thing where I made it with storebought noodles and sauce, but I'm eating, and I think that's all that matters! I don't know if this is a me thing, but I usually rotate between a few meals that I like because of the routine it brings me. I never realized it when I was younger, but I'm very routine-oriented. Whether or not that's a good thing is...something that'll probably keep me up tonight. 😅


Overall, my day's been fine, and I don't really have anything to really update on. I had work today, which went smoothly again. I did some homework there tonight, primarily reading the textbook and watching the lecture videos. I didn't finish the chapter though, so I'll have to do that tomorrow along with the course activities. I honestly can't believe it, but I only have two more weeks left in this course! I'm not counting this week since it's basically almost over. I wish I discovered this course a lot sooner in my college career, but I'm still glad I'm taking it regardless. My roommate ordered pizza, so I snagged a piece and we hung out for quite a bit. We ended up watching Zombieland, and as someone who loves zombie media, I was stoked! After that, I had to shower in the other residential building since they're still replacing the hot water tank. Ever since then I've just been in bed doomscrolling on TikTok. Honestly, for a good moment, I got pretty comfortable in bed and I almost fell asleep before I realized that I didn't do my daily blog post. I've never done blogging up until now, and honestly I understand the appeal now! It's nice to be able to collect your thoughts.


I wonder if people got the reference I made in my poem in the last blog post at the end? If you didn't (which is okay!), I referenced the first sentence of Nabokov's novel Lolita ("Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.").


I actually don't have a title for this poem, so enjoy this untitled (and maybe a bit cryptic) poem!


There’s a lot of things I’m sorry for.

Yet, there’s not a lot I regret.

Am I a good person?

Does it matter?

I want a garden.

Flowers I can call mine.

Fruits I can call mine.

Am I selfish?

Does it matter?

Strawberries would be nice,

but pomegranates are too messy to enjoy.

I’ve never seen a sunflower grow.

A name is called,

I don’t care to remember whose name it is.

I’m reminded of where I am.


I'm going to end my blog post here since I'm starting to yawn like crazy. Anywho, fun fact time! The tradition for men to be casted as Edna Turnblad/Mrs. Turnblad in adaptations of Hairspray orginates from the drag queen Divine!


Good night everyone! I'm now a Certified Sleepy Sub™


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 26, 2024 at 1:54 AM


9:19 PM EST


I believe I mentioned this in a previous blog post, but unfortunately they turned the hot water off, so I have to shower elsewhere for the rest of week while they replace the hot water tank. I had to shower last night in a different residential building on campus. Hilariously, I had to shower in the residential building I had to quarantine in a few years ago when I tested positive for Covid, so that was a bit of a throwback for me! The rest of my night last night was nice, I got to hang out with a few friends I hadn't heard from in a while, and it was wonderful to be able to spend time with them again!


I woke up surprisingly late today, I didn't get up and out of bed until 12:30 PM 🤭 I must've been a lot more tired than I originally thought I was. After I woke up, I just heated up some leftovers, nothing too crazy or extravagant. I was on the phone with my boyfriend while I ate, and we spoke briefly about this website, since he was curious about how my experience has been thus far on here. I mentioned to him that although I've had some...questionable interactions on here, that overall it's been fine! I told him about the person who sent me a message shortly after (about an hour or so?) I created my account calling me fake, which was pretty funny not gonna lie.


I had work tonight, which went smoothly. My coworker was telling me about how he's been since I didn't see him last week, so we had a good conversation at work which certainly helped pass the time. While I was at work I was doing one of the question sets for my Arts course. Every week, the professor assigns question sets that are due on Sundays that are based off the textbook readings and lectures. I turned it in and my score was 9.6 repeating out of 10.


...Yeah I don't know how I managed to get that, either. 🤣


After I came home, my roommate surprised me with a plate of food! She made breakfast for dinner, so I guess you could say that I had the most important meal of the day lol. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do for the rest of the night, though my laundry basket is looking a bit full...If I do laundry, though, I'll have to wash my water with cold water. Hopefully that doesn't mess with my clothes, but I guess we'll just have to see.


Earlier, I was looking through my poems and I found an old one! I wrote it for my first Intermediate Creative Writing course, but no one really picked up on the reference I made at the end, so they didn't really understand it. Hopefully you guys know what I'm referencing? Fingers crossed!


"Noli Me Tangere"


I am not yours.

I am not yours to hold,

to keep in your jewelry box

where you’ve hidden topazes like me.

I am not yours to watch,

with your pleading eyes,

wanting to seize and squeeze me.

I’m not yours to hunt,

to conquest like you’ve done

to pretty doe-eyed girls like myself.

I’m not yours to play,

to pluck my strings like you’ve done

to lovely lutes like myself.

I am not yours to touch,

to let your sandpaper fingers touch

my cherry wood.

I am not yours to drink up,

to drop in a pot of boiling water,

and be your cup of chamomile tea.

I am not yours to fantasize about.

I am not the light of your life,

fire of your loins.

Your sin, your soul.


I'm gonna make my fun fact the hint if you don't know! Vladimir Nabokov, author of the controversial novel Lolita, didn't want a young girl on the cover of his novel, however his request was ignored. This also happened to Franz Kafka, who didn't want a bug on the cover of his novella, Metamorphosis.


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 25, 2024 at 12:54 AM


8:23 PM EST


We're at the halfway point! The week's almost over! I'm looking forward to Friday since that's my payday. I've been eyeing a few things but have been sparing my wallet and bank account for the moment, lol. I got a nice surprise today 😄 My parents stopped by with McDonald's for my roommate and I, so they spoiled us for lunch. Also, my dad seemed really surprised that I knew the song Private Idaho by the B-52's when it started playing during a movie we were watching. Growing up my dad would blast music around the house, and he frequently played the B-52's. Granted, he played Love Shack more than any of their other songs, but they made awesome music! Rock Lobster is my personal favorite from them.


After my parents and my roommate left, I spent a bit of time on here. I'm beginning to dip my toes into the forums here, so you should expect to see me more often! This is my first website where I've interacted with the forums and have commented stuff before, so it's all relatively new to me! I mean, I do have a Reddit account, but I primarily just use it to see what people thought about a certain episode from a TV show I like or what they thought about a certain movie. I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm relatively quiet both in person and online. I'm trying to break my shell like it's a piggy bank, lol.


I had work today at 4 PM my time (EST), so that's where I've been for a good few hours. I'm currently working a seasonal office job, and the work is relatively easy. My boss doesn't really give us much to do, so I utilize the time to study and work on my summer course. Work was overall quiet, so no complaints here! Honestly, the entire time I was there I was just thinking about what to make myself for dinner.


I got back home a while ago, and decided to make myself fettucine alfredo (with storebought noodles and sauce, I'm lazy, I know) for dinner. I was typing this out when I put the pot of water on the stove, but now it's done and ready to be eaten by yours truly!


But before I absolutely devour this bowl of pasta and end this blog post, I'm going to also add in a poem, like always. ♡ I figured since I posted "Sweet Smell" first that I would post "O Son of God" next. Here it is!


"O Son of God"

Kiss me, O son of God

place your lips against my skin,

and heal me of my ailments.


Touch me, O son of God

lay your gentle hands on me.

Gentle hands that have created the world,

and can destroy it all the same.


Make me a martyr, O son of God

but make sure the cross is turned upside down,

because I could never be worshipped like you.


Baptise me, O son of God

dip me in the lake,

help me wash away my sins,

and make me in your image.


Who would've thought,

O son of God,

that those church signs were right?


I'm a good girl now,

O son of God,

I'm a believer.


Won't you love me too, O son of God?

Won't you believe in me too, O son of God?


(Ironically, I don't actively practice Christianity anymore, yet I still wrote this.)


I figured since I mentioned the B-52's earlier, that my fun fact would be centered around music: The Beach Boys knew Charles Manson, and he even wrote a song for them!


I'm going to go and eat! I'll keep the site up in case any messages come through, but I don't think I'll be on later tonight as I'm going to be hanging out with a friend I haven't seen in a while. Take care everyone!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 24, 2024 at 12:52 AM


8:07 PM EST


Admittedly, the start to my morning was rather slow and relatively quiet, which was nice. That was, until I was informed that they'll be shutting off the hot water for a few days. They're replacing the hot water tank, so until then I'll have to shower elsewhere on campus, which is...frustrating, to put it kindly. I spent a lot of my morning just making breakfast and doing homework. I read one of the chapters due this week, which was on Classicism. It was a fairly interesting read!


After I did some homework, I took a nap for a good while. I'm not sure why, but I was in a rather sleepy mood earlier today. I do have a relatively bad habit of staying up late, and I think it's beginning to catch up to me. Oh the woes of an insomniac. I'm sure that once the school year starts up again I'll have a better refined sleeping schedule, I honestly love having a day-to-day routine. After my nap, I went grocery shopping and made my roommate and I tacos for dinner. 


It's so funny, I used to hate going to the grocery store with my mom when I was a kid, but now I honestly don't mind it, and it's even a little bit enjoyable! At least, I try to make it fun for myself.


I have work tomorrow, so I'll most likely be doing more homework while at work. There usually isn't much going on, so I can spend my time however I'd like, so long as I don't burn the office down. Tomorrow I'll most likely watch and take notes on the lectures and complete the little quiz the professor assigns each week. Even though it's an intro class and is fairly easy, I'm still enjoying it regardless. In terms of the "arts," I tend to normally take creative writing courses (which makes sense, as that is my concentration for my major), so this course is a nice change of pace.


I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to post my poetry on here as well, so I decided that the first poem I'm going to share is my poem, "Sweet Smell." My poetry isn't erotic by any means, but I hope people still like it!! ♡


"Sweet Smell"

There is a sweet smell

somewhere in my home,

eluding me but haunting me all the same.


It permeates my nose,

it lingers in my brain,

and the taste is palpable on the tip of my tongue.


The smell is sweet,

sickening, almost.

It lingers on the walls,

always in the halls.


It compels me, the sweet smell,

to pull back the carpet, and destroy the walls.

Is it coming from the insulation?

Will it melt in my mouth, the pink fabric?

Just like cotton candy?


The smell is so sweet

I can't help but wonder,

Am I Hansel?

Am I Gretel?

Or am I the Witch?

Maybe the sweet smell

is the silent echo

of the children I've eaten.


I have poetry that I've written in my free time, but I also have poetry that I've written for previous classes if anyone is interested in those! I once was able to go to a poetry reading and read some of my poems to a group of people, which was very exciting! I hope I get to do it again soon!


I'm going to end this post here with my favorite fun fact: The concept of the zombie can be traced back to Haitian folklore in the Vodu religion! Zora Neale Hurston wrote on the Haitain zombie in her book Tell My Horse.


I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

2 months ago. July 22, 2024 at 9:48 PM


5:10 PM EST


I made my account on here a few days ago, and I have to admit, the amount of messages I've recieved in such a short time frame is really surprising. I'm a relatively quiet and shy person (until I get comfortable, then I just won't shut up), so to be noticed very quickly and by many people is a bit overwhelming for me. Though, I guess it's better to overcome my shyness sooner rather than later, right? I certainly hope so.


Let's see...Since this is my first post, I suppose it's best if I introduce myself. My username is ChxrryBxrry (pronounced 'cherryberry'), but you are more than welcome to refer to me as just Cherry. I'm currently finishing up my undergrad with just one semester left. I have a 3.3 GPA as we speak, but I'm hoping to bring it up with this summer class I'm taking. As mentioned, I currently am taking an Intro to the Arts course, which has been relatively fun! I have quite a few electives left to take, so I'm just taking anything that piques my interest at this point. Plus, I haven't had an art class since...Middle school? Either way, it's long overdue.


I haven't had a d/s dynamic in quite a few years (about 3-4 years), but when I was in a dynamic, my dom was a daddy dom, and I was a little sub with brat tendencies. I was in a relationship with my dom, and while it didn't work out between us, I still got a lot of enjoyment and fulfillment out of being a submissive. Admittedly, I do feel as though I've changed over the years, I'm just not sure what kind of submissive I am nowadays. I didn't realize until recently, but I often seeked out praise from professors as a way to get a similar sense of fulfillment like I did a few years ago in the d/s dynamic. I'm not kidding when I say that I had a professor say to me: "You're a star" in an email once, and I didn't let go of that for weeks. I met some lovely mutuals online who have provided a safe, welcoming space for relative newcomers for the d/s lifestyle, and through them I managed to stumble across this website.


So I'm here now. ♡


I did a surprising amount of cleaning today, I can still smell the cleaner on the tips of my fingers. I don't really mind cleaning, especially if there's some good music to get a good groove going. ABBA and Queen were certainly a godsend today while I was cleaning my showers. I often get tunnel vision while working on something, so I hardly take a moment to myself to take a quick breather or drink some water, and I'm paying for that now with a headache. I've got water now, though! I was going to do a bit of homework today for my Art course, but I think I'm going to take the rest of the day to myself (Plus, the homework isn't due until the 28th, so I've got some time ;D). 


I feel as though I've written enough for my first post, but I do creatively write in my free time, often writing poetry more than anything. In my next post I'll upload a poem I've written recently! Currently debating if I want to post "Sweet Smell" or "O Son of God" first. Maybe whichever everyone else is interested in I'll post? I'll see the responses and decide from there!


Maybe I should end this with a fun fact? Fun Fact: The painter Monet, known for his impressionist paintings, went blind due to cataracts, which affected his later works. If you compare his earlier works to his later ones, you can see the difference!


Have a lovely rest of your day everyone! ...I think I'm going to lay down for a while and hope this headache goes away on its own.


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡