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Chxrry's Daily Writings

Full of daily updates, creative writing, and some fun facts!
2 months ago. July 26, 2024 at 1:54 AM


9:19 PM EST


I believe I mentioned this in a previous blog post, but unfortunately they turned the hot water off, so I have to shower elsewhere for the rest of week while they replace the hot water tank. I had to shower last night in a different residential building on campus. Hilariously, I had to shower in the residential building I had to quarantine in a few years ago when I tested positive for Covid, so that was a bit of a throwback for me! The rest of my night last night was nice, I got to hang out with a few friends I hadn't heard from in a while, and it was wonderful to be able to spend time with them again!


I woke up surprisingly late today, I didn't get up and out of bed until 12:30 PM 🤭 I must've been a lot more tired than I originally thought I was. After I woke up, I just heated up some leftovers, nothing too crazy or extravagant. I was on the phone with my boyfriend while I ate, and we spoke briefly about this website, since he was curious about how my experience has been thus far on here. I mentioned to him that although I've had some...questionable interactions on here, that overall it's been fine! I told him about the person who sent me a message shortly after (about an hour or so?) I created my account calling me fake, which was pretty funny not gonna lie.


I had work tonight, which went smoothly. My coworker was telling me about how he's been since I didn't see him last week, so we had a good conversation at work which certainly helped pass the time. While I was at work I was doing one of the question sets for my Arts course. Every week, the professor assigns question sets that are due on Sundays that are based off the textbook readings and lectures. I turned it in and my score was 9.6 repeating out of 10.


...Yeah I don't know how I managed to get that, either. 🤣


After I came home, my roommate surprised me with a plate of food! She made breakfast for dinner, so I guess you could say that I had the most important meal of the day lol. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do for the rest of the night, though my laundry basket is looking a bit full...If I do laundry, though, I'll have to wash my water with cold water. Hopefully that doesn't mess with my clothes, but I guess we'll just have to see.


Earlier, I was looking through my poems and I found an old one! I wrote it for my first Intermediate Creative Writing course, but no one really picked up on the reference I made at the end, so they didn't really understand it. Hopefully you guys know what I'm referencing? Fingers crossed!


"Noli Me Tangere"


I am not yours.

I am not yours to hold,

to keep in your jewelry box

where you’ve hidden topazes like me.

I am not yours to watch,

with your pleading eyes,

wanting to seize and squeeze me.

I’m not yours to hunt,

to conquest like you’ve done

to pretty doe-eyed girls like myself.

I’m not yours to play,

to pluck my strings like you’ve done

to lovely lutes like myself.

I am not yours to touch,

to let your sandpaper fingers touch

my cherry wood.

I am not yours to drink up,

to drop in a pot of boiling water,

and be your cup of chamomile tea.

I am not yours to fantasize about.

I am not the light of your life,

fire of your loins.

Your sin, your soul.


I'm gonna make my fun fact the hint if you don't know! Vladimir Nabokov, author of the controversial novel Lolita, didn't want a young girl on the cover of his novel, however his request was ignored. This also happened to Franz Kafka, who didn't want a bug on the cover of his novella, Metamorphosis.


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared} - If I work up after 10:00 am I’m starting my day great 😂
“Words without experience are meaningless” 🤍
2 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Best fun facts!
2 months ago
chxrrybxrry​(sub female) - Thank you! <3
2 months ago

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