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Chxrry's Daily Writings

Full of daily updates, creative writing, and some fun facts!
2 months ago. August 3, 2024 at 5:53 AM


1:21 AM EST


Hello again! I'm back finally with some good news! We finally got clean water, and our hot water turned back on properly late Thursday night! I would've posted this update much much sooner, but I was rather busy for the majority of today, and I fell asleep surprisingly early on Thursday at around 8:30 PM EST (When my roommate told me the news about the water, she was met with a very sleepy Cherry. I had to ask her earlier this morning if that was part of a dream I had or not LOL).


After my last blog post, I ended up ordering myself some food because while the water was beginning to look cleaner, I wasn't actually sure yet if it was cleaner, and I honestly didn't want to take my chances. My roommate honestly had enough of the situation and stayed overnight at one of her sorority sister's homes off campus, which I honestly don't blame her for doing. I stayed because I'm honestly too stubborn for my own good. I got myself KFC, which was good! Can't ever go wrong with some fried chicken. 😋


On Thursday, I ended up taking a shower in the Fitness Center on campus, since multiple residential buildings were affected by the water, including the one I was using to shower. I'm going to be so happy when they stop messing with the buildings! Apparently they're going to be testing the fire alarms tomorrow morning (later today, I guess?) at 7 AM 🫠 I for one love to sleep in so this is a nightmare for me, lol. Work went smoothly overall on Thursday, and I was able to get homework done, which is great!


Work was good today, too! My coworker called off, so it was just me in the office. Honestly, I kinda prefer working alone, but don't let my coworkers know! 😉 I spent tonight after work hanging out with friends and playing games, and it's always nice to get to hang out with them. Once I'm done with this Art course (one more week!!) I'll be able to hang out with them more!


Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Cherry blog post without a poem! Here's "Poacher's Pride," which I wrote earlier this summer!


"Poacher's Pride"


I have tasted deer meat.

I know how it feels on my tongue,

I have felt it in-between my teeth,

and I cannot deny

how delicious the sport tasted.


I have felt the weight

of a BB gun in my hands

when I was a child,

and how I aimed it at a rabbit

in my Grandpa's garden.


Sometimes I wonder

if I'll be the rabbit,

or if my flesh will be eaten,

the delicate meat of me

in-between someone's teeth.


Will I be delicious?

Will they taste the sport on their tongue,

and savour it?


But for now,

I'll be laughing

at the butcher's joke

of how good

Bambi's mother tasted.


And of course, it wouldn't be a proper Cherry post without a fun fact! Zora Neale Hurston, a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance, frequently lied about her age! When she was 26, she lied about being younger than she actually was in order to get a high school education for free.


I hope everyone has a lovely rest of their day! I'm going to get some sleep before they test these fire alarms 😂 Goodnight!


~ ChxrryBxrry ♡

intenseoldman​(dom male) - mmmm... love me some venison. I was raised on it. My father and his friend ran a hunting camp, and often out-of-state hunters would take the horns and leave the meat, so our freezer was always full. I have never cared about the horns--just the meat. Got a friend in CO who invited me out to hunt this year... I might just. It's been a while. Your poem makes me miss Bambi's mom between my teeth ;) Glad to hear your living conditions have improved. Good luck with the art class!
2 months ago
chxrrybxrry​(sub female) - That's cool! I have a few relatives who like to hunt, so they've made 'deer jerky' before, which is really good! I'm so thankful it's improved! It's been insanely hectic this summer for some reason lol. Thank you! I'm entering finals week for this art class, so I'm almost done! I've had a solid 94 in the course, so hopefully it stays that way!!
2 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Oh, you got this, girl! After all you've been through during this summer session? You're gonna crush it!
2 months ago

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