This morning I wanted to send a greeting to someone. I like doing that, to bring a smile to someone's face. I like letting people know that they are in my thoughts. A small gesture that can mean a great deal.
However, I realized something minutes after I sent the greeting.
"Good morning. Happy Thursday"
...except its NOT Thursday! At least not in the timezone I live in. 😂
It was a reminder to me that I need to slow down. I dont know about you, but I can easily get ahead of myself, allowing my brain to spin in unnecessary circles of worry and axiety that zoom into the future. I need to stay in the moment...this moment. Today. Sometimes I have people in my life to help me with that, and I am thankful. I still need to remind myself too.
It is also a reminder for everyone to slow down. Don't get ahead of yourself. There is no hurry. Slowing down may mean less hurts and also more meaningful connections with people. That submissive you seem dead set on catching (ewww...but that's for another blog), that Dom you so desperately want to be with (Here's a secret....that kind of desperation is not a good color on you Darling)...slow down. That feeling of missing something because you don't have a partner doesn't mean you should rush at the first one that wants to swoop you up. I have learned, for me, the best connections are the ones that happen organically.
Happy Wednesday, friends!