I have always been a lover of things that sparkle. I am captivated by the glimmer the sun casts as it dances upon the water. However, my favorite sparkle is the one found in people!
Being relatively new around here, I have found that it could be easy to let your sparkle be diminished, especially from supposed well meaning people. Thankfully, there are others here who will happily help you realize when things may not be good.
Dear fellow submissive souls, you are far from worthless! We have so much to give, our submission itself is a gift. Dont ever forget that! There is no need to be in a hurry or try to rush giving yourself to someone.
In the mass swarm of communication when I first joined (has it really has only been a couple weeks? Crazy!), one particular communication I want to use in hopes that someone else may benefit from hearing it.
You see, I am not a thin person. I have an abundance of extra fluff. (Currently I am on a journey working my ass off to change that scenario-FOR MYSELF! But that will be for another blog) This particular communication strand, the communicator told me that "you want to be a vixen for your master" and assured me that one day when my weight loss journey is complete, then I would finally be WORTHY to give myself to a Dom.
*what the actual fuck*
My ability to have a heart and attitude of submission is NOT dependent on my weight. (Personal tastes and preferences vary. I'm not meant for everyone, nor is everyone meant for me. How boring would things be if we all ONLY were allowed vanilla ice cream, for example.) My WORTH is not in my weight, and neither is yours!
As a dear friend pointed out, don't listen to Dickimedes! Use your sparkle, it's yours and only yours. We need you to share it! Besides, I could probably best him in a leg press competition;)
Have a Great day dear ones!??