I'm a Good girl
Naughty tendencies:);):);)!!
Now is that such a terrible, horrible, outragous and outlandish way to be?!?!? I at least admit it...in certain situations and companies. That's the part that makes me a good girl I don't feel the need to publicize my kink preferences and or needs. I would rather share them on a need to know basis.
I have been once upon a time in days of my youth a much more out and about type of person regarding my body and my sex. I'll leave it at that. I however have become and settled down into someone who wants to share my body my sex my fantasies with just one other.
Yup I am for the most part a good girl... some like my mom might disagree....but I say please and thank you when and where appropriate. I behave well in public. I would know how to hold a conversation with anyone's parents....or children. LoL lol lol...
Naughty tendencies I have... quite a few...kinks, why yes I do... fetish?!?! only one I have the need of a Daddydom.