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Name' sake

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3 months ago. January 15, 2024 at 4:38 PM

Ya know, if you think about it - every criminal who has ever commited a crime, was not a criminal the day before. 🤔

I mentioned awhile back that my drivers license had been revoked. (Resolved btw). Anyway, the way I found out my license had been revoked - I got the ole red n blue lights right after I pulled into the post office. The post master is a friend of mine and he watched the whole thing. As soon as the ordeal was over I walked in to get my mail - the first thing he said was "that was profiling". I replied "I know, right?"

Ive experienced this my entire life because I look a certain way (mainly my long hair). I chuckled at the irony it says "in god we trust" on the back of his squad car. Ya know, that long haired guy . . . .

Buuuuuuut I digress


Which brings me to the point of this blog.

People that see with more than their eyes. 

Or better yet, people who dont.

We are creatures of patterns - its basically in our dna. Thus stereotypes exist. Its survival at its base. That can help us and it can hurt us. Chances we missed out on because of a preconceived notion a person or thing is a certain way.

Cats and dogs like me, horses, birds, etc - the entire wildlife kingdom seems to like me. Children like me, and of course, the sighted like me. But there are those who dont, based solely on my appearance.

A few days ago I was at the store filling up a 6 gal water jug. Just standing by the machine lost in thought - it was early morning and hardly any patrons. I got startled when I heard "boo!" - a rather elderly, very small woman smiled at me as she walked past behind me - I will never forget that.

Our marriage counselor was a very sweet 72 yo woman who had been at it for over 45 years, ushered us into her session room carrying one of those "pocket dogs". As we all sat down she says to me "now I gotta tell you, she doesnt like strangers and she doesnt like men" - I thought, "and shes here why??" - then she exited for a few minutes (I dont remember why) and left the dog on her chair. She was startled to discover when she returned her dog was in my lap. It continued to dumbfound her the entire session. Her dog was even licking the back of my hand.

Ive had many examples like this throughout my life but ill save those for the book ill never write.


Is this a trait that can be learned? Taught?

The ability to see with more than your eyes?

Or is it too contrary to our survival instincts?


Thinking outloud

ashlynspar - I truly want to see. Desperately. I hate being blind. It creates so many obstacles. Repels nature. I wish there was a course on that
3 months ago
Jack in the box -
Sadly, young lady, I dont know that it is something that can be taught - perhaps one day . . . .
3 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - I don't think there's a way to completely rid ourselves of the thoughts/feelings we have when we look at someone. I believe the best we can do is ignore them and choose to be open (to a certain degree) to everyone.

I mean, those thoughts/feelings are there to protect us even though they aren't always correct assumptions. I suppose we learn what is considered safe/not safe in how someone looks as we grow up, so that could probably be tailored to certain things. If you raise a child to think all people with long hair are dangerous then they will run from every long haired person they see. If you teach a child not to fear anyone, ever, until they get to know them on a personal level....well now, that's silly because they could be in a world of trouble. There are way too many variables to completely take it away...just someone's angry resting face is enough for some. Why would you approach someone who's angry? There's a higher likelihood to get into trouble with an angry person...but some people have an angry resting face. Some actually are angry and should be steered clear of. There's no way to know unless you get to know them, but that hesitation will always be there to begin with.

I think the real goal should be teaching people to be open minded. I look at men sometimes and think, 'my goodness he looks a bit rough' and that elicits some fear deep in me, hesitation because I know what COULD happen in a bad situation....but I believe in giving everyone a chance. I will still allow people to approach me and I will still have a conversation, I will just be a bit more cautious until I deem them a non-threatening person.

I'm similar to you in that children and animals have always liked me. I'm the opposite in that people see me as a comforting and non threatening person. I always get older people approaching me in stores to strike up a conversation, had a lady in her 70's at a Target start talking to me about her late husband. Another older woman stopped me to ask for my opinion on some products she was trying to decide on. I was taking my trash out and a woman stopped me and started a conversation about her dog and how she needed to take her trash out as well, she seemed lonely. I don't typically mind, but it's both funny and sad to me sometimes that people feel comfortable coming up to me as a stranger and telling me personal things about themselves. I'm happy to give a little comfort when I can.
3 months ago
Jack in the box -
You are an insightful individual indeed Ms Me 🙂
The flip side of pre-conceived
Thank you for your input on my blog
3 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Completely unrelated....but sometimes I think, 'Damn, how many people have I walked past in public who have killed someone and never been caught?' How many people are walking around as average citizens, knowing they've ended lives and no one knows. 0_0
3 months ago
Jack in the box -
Aahh but it is related. A certain Jeffrey comes to mind, which was part of the inspiration to write about this.
3 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Reminds me of a time in high school, I was with a group of kids and one of the girls had some recreational drugs. There was a teacher coming, she knew she would be searched so she shoved them into my backpack before I could say anything. After the teacher quickly searched everyone I started taking my backpack off, but he had no interest in searching my backpack. I put my backpack back on, he left and I was confused. I mean, I knew I was a teacher's pet kind of student...but damn. lol
3 months ago
Jack in the box -
It works both ways, yes.
I hope you at least kept the recreational accoutrements 😏
3 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Lol...I did not. I've been offered so many times and never said yes. Maybe, one day I'll have the courage to experiment. Being a 'good girl' has its perks...but I definitely feel like I've also chained myself to a safeness that's kept me from a lot of experiences.
3 months ago
Jack in the box -
It is not what they did, the dying regret - rather what they didnt do
3 months ago

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