Descarte: There are no hard slaves; only soft dommes/doms.
I can't be killed. Ideas don't die.
Apollo: You leave no room for the consideration and repudiation of self pity.
Dionysus: You leave no room to breathe.
Descarte: The only question worth considering is "where did the original quote originate and how did I change it?"
Do any of you agree or disagree?
Apollo: I've no use for philosophers ,especially mathematically inclined ones.
Dionysus: You make me feel uncomfortable and slightly nauseous. Now you've got us spelling out names with capital
Descarte: Research the quote and try to find the original wording.
Apollo: You're not welcome here.
Dionysus: Just go please.
Descarte: I won't come back until you ask me. You will but I may not be available.