I work at a small book store in my area where the owner is a wealthy 35 y/o Dutch woman who opened a bookstore in Egypt just for fun, most of the months we barely break even or realise small profit/loss
I am Egyptian, 21 y/o and I'm her only employee, from the first day I was attracted to her but didn't act on it for obvious reasons, in the last month she started changing her behaviour with me, mainly she started talking about punishing me when I'm do something wrong.
At the first time I sold a book for less than its price so she got angry and said that I should be punished for that and I started apologising and begging her not to take money out of my salary, at that moment she said " I don't believe I'll do that just take care next time so I don't have to get you on my knees" so English is not my native language nor hers so I assumed this was just an expression for punishment.
After that by two days I did a small mistake and she angrily gave me a spank while standing and telling me that next time this will be more severe, the next time she slapped me and my reaction was thanking her for it and she said "I didn't know this would be your reaction, you're a good boy get back to work"
And the last one was yesterday when I got 10 spanks with a ruler,
I really want to know if this means she's attracted to me or even want a dom/sub situation which I am greatly open to, So if any of you guys have any opinions please tell me.
I am doing a big mistake tomorrow on purpose.