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5 years ago. August 16, 2019 at 3:41 AM

Today I started the search for a civil attorney to take my case. The bigot that has ignored the cease and desist has not stopped.  

I came on thecage to try to find peace only to see the topic of why politics matter. 


I am cut deeply by this. 


After Trump was elected our community went apeshit. 

The organizers refused to take a stand. 

Bigotry, hate, homophobia,  transphobia, racism exploded. 

People  that had  been giving lip service about safe space refused to act on it. 


It cuts deep. 

Deeper then I can say. 

Deeper then I understand.  


It forced me to create Obsidian.  

And Through the Looking Glass.  


But I can't breathe. 

The thickness of it. 







ulfhednar - Hate crulety these are things bred of fear and misunderstanding people will always fear what they do not understand will always responde with hate and violence i did for so long till i freed my mind spent the night of dry humping with a biguy and a gay hung out with a transgender my mind is free of these emotions towards my fellow human unless they intend my loved ones.and the ones i care about harm please explore my blog and listen to the music and find comfort i specificly picked the tunes carefully and placed for such occassions sending you big puffeh fluffeh virtual wolf hugs you will make it through and be better wiser and humbler for the expirence peace be upon you brotha
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - You dont understand. My beloved and I worked side by side, in these groups, and with these organizers for over ten years. They are not ignorant. They know me. They know beloved. But they never paused. Overnight I became the problem. The f word. The nuisance. And my beloved bacrme the n word.

All because we would not tolerate what they were allowing.

Allowing Hate speech under free speech amendment, removing trans from dungeon space, giving openly homophobic racist people a platform.

Saying bigotry is born of ignorance dismisses accountability.

It does not apply here.
5 years ago
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz} - I hope you find your bliss and a way to make your world whole.
5 years ago
ulfhednar - Then move on or fight but dont let them ruffle your feathers either way if they are allowing this into their world your world our world then they are just expirementalists who needed a new trend 10 years is a very long time indeed however if they were true in nature they would of stayed unwavering so they either grew tired and wanted something new or something happened that started this hate so you can either move on or fight if you choose to fight try getting information ask questions find out who when what why sometimes people will lie about reasons but if your good at it you can usually tell and see it in their body language and call them on it if you arent youll understand amd believe what they say accept it for what it is and become more frustrated either way atleast your venting holding it in is alot more damaging then letting it out 😊
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - Ruffle my feathers.


The last time we went to an event that I wasnt running.

They body checked My Beloved.

Then wouldn't let her into the bathroom.
Then kept kicking the back of her chair.

I am fighting.

I fight everyday.

I am --also-- a three dimensional person.

And fighting takes energy.

So I come here to vent, for comfort, for peace, support.

5 years ago
ulfhednar - I always understood these groups and events to be safe places with rules boundries guidelines and policies in black n white pen and paper you had to read and know sure some where just common sense stuff but others werent it was set in stone to avoid legal back lash and to keep people safe and protect people and any changes to said aforementioned needed to be made knowing to members however if this is not the case all i can offer is just a friendly ear to listen to your worries and troubles and maybe a calm relaxing enviorment with music tea coffee or some form of booze but nust one glass because anything else is exsessive and drowning our worries isnt a good way to go ut having something tea coffee or something in good company is always a.good route amd way to just goosfaba
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - Thank you. I appreciate that more then you know.
5 years ago
ulfhednar - I happily amd graciously will always welcome people into my castle with an open mind and heart to turn away even a wretch is to turn away a soul in need of love we all need to feel saftey and kindness and no im not preaching religon or any of the sort im simply saying it is better to treat each other with kindness and an open mind with a willingness to learn and be acceptant then it is to label each other as snakes for an open mind and heart is an easier path to learning also i think its great what your doing willing to take and teach its not easy to be a mentor that in its self can be frutrating and events that has got to be draining i cant even imagine but i am glad if i helped at all ease some of your worries or frustrations
5 years ago
sweet november​(sub female) - Someone/ some people at events aren't accepting of you and yours? And nobody is speaking up? Did I read that correctly?
If I did, my heart hurts for you. That is complete BS. And I don't understand people like that. I also don't understand it when others witness it, they don't say anything!


The post Why Politics Matter I didn't think the OP meant any harm by it.
Honestly, not everyone wants to hurt others.

Very sorry for your experiences. Wish I knew how to help.
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - Yes, you read that correctly.

Please dont justify things. It isnt helpful to me.

There is this great quote that says -

No one can tell you how to process your pain.

You saying "they meant no harm" is the same thing the organizers said when a trans woman was physically removed from their dungeon.

5 years ago
sweet november​(sub female) - I'm sorry. I don't want to cause more pain to you.

You are correct, healing from pain has no time line. And no one can tell you how to process pain.

I've also learned, in my life, That when people ask a question or try to help but completely screw it up, that if I let that person know, as you just did, then it they understand and apologize, their heart was in the right place.
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - Thank you for this. Truly and deeply
5 years ago
ulfhednar - I wish you the best of luck in your endevours amd my door is always open to you both if you need time to just think
5 years ago
MasterBear​(other butch) - <3
5 years ago
venia​(sub female){notlooking} - Sending thoughts of support and love. You and your beloved and everyone deserves a safe space. I’m sorry that this is so heavy for you. There are those of us that will always have your back and will hold space for you here even if others in the world do not.
5 years ago

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