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Indecipherable Scrawlings

I'm am cursed with these thoughts and now you get to suffer to.
11 months ago. October 14, 2023 at 12:18 PM

She continues to squirm.  Sharp spasms of legs locked immovably into a bar securely anchored to the floor.  Twitching arms that only succeeded in drawing the eyelet on the front of leather harness around her waist back and forth.  The movement catching the stop of the chain, drawing it and the clamps they were connected to tight.  The pressure on her nipples just making her squirm again.

Though in truth most of the squirming was probably my fault.  I could hear her spluttering, the desperate flare of nostrils.  I feel the plastic ring and flailing tongue as I lowered myself again.  Pushing deeper at a glacial pace as I keep a careful count.  Giving her just enough time to rest before I return to fucking her mouth.  Using it.  Both for my own pleasure and to remind her that every breath is my gift.  Still the squirming is getting worse.  I let myself drop further on my knees, pushing my cock deeper into my mouth, feeling her gag.  The hand I had been using to steady myself snaps.  Her pussy burns at its hasty touch and her scream buzzes through me.

I shift off her and she cough in fresh air.  Still idly tracing her curves with the pinwheel with one hand my other traces its way down her stomach.  Nails kissing soft skin before I bump into the cold plastic still buzzing away.  I ignore it just long enough to tear away the rest of the duct tape holding it in place.  That produces a complicated noise from her as the motion also yanks the chain, the sharp teeth of the clamps digging in desperately to stay in place.  I don't give her time to rest though.  One hand draws complicated shapes with the pin wheel across her chest.  The other drives the vibrator into her.  Each thrust rammed home to the hilt, each withdrawn drawing the chain taught.  My entire hand follows the thrust, calloused palm driving steel links down onto an an already oversensitive clit.  Grinding.  Thrusting.  Teasing.  The squirming is getting much worse.

My knuckles brush her throat as I reach under her collar.  The movement slow, gentle.  My other hand burying the vibrator in one savage thrust  and clamping down on her belt.  Then I stand, dragging her up with me.  I hold her, one hand sliding back down to manipulate the toy as I let her get her feet.  My tender embrace also allows me to get at the leash swishing behind her and I draw it up.  Pulling it up and onto a hook.  There's little slack in it.  Any buckling of those wobbly knees will constrict the collar around her neck.  Something I gently remind her of even as I promise dire consequences if she lets the toy drop.  Threatening to whip her ass red as I nibble at her ear, my hands moving along her sides to tuck up under her arms.  My nails sink into a tender breast as other fingers trace her chin.  A growl reverberates out of my chest as I thrust into her ass.  No where to go she is forced to accept it with a moan I take the liberty of choking off.

Raw need drives my hips, sending me hammering into her.  There is no squirming now, just a constant shiver as sensation wracks her body.  She is in constant motion and frozen in place.  My iron grip giving her slack by immobilizing her.  Pleasure jolting through her as I take my own.  Our noises the unintelligible song of lust and desire.  Cascading towards a brutal crescendo.  Both imminent and forever away, but crashing home all in one instant of pleasure that sends stars spiraling across my eyes.

A good beginning I think

HurtSoGood - 🔥 Lovely, as always! 🤗
11 months ago
Treasured Trinket​(sub female) - Your writtings are one of my favorites ❤️
11 months ago

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