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The Muse

A creature that drives inspiration and passion in the soul of an artist.... Why is she charmed? She has become enthralled with her subject. The artist has rendered her to her knees.
3 years ago. October 29, 2020 at 2:30 PM

3 years ago. October 29, 2020 at 12:58 PM

I just wanted to share this because it nearly caused me to shoot orange juice out my nostrils in a violent fit of laughter.

It might not affect y'all the same way...could be one of those "ya had to be there" moments...but anyway...

I was just saying my good mornings to my Wildman and I said, "I love you, Pookie Biscuit." And without a thought ... Without taking a breath... His response was so quick and precise... Like a ninja attack.

He said, "I love you too, Boo Boo Kitty Fuck."

All I could do ...all I could say was a small, choked out, "You win."


I love this man.


3 years ago. October 29, 2020 at 6:22 AM

They look like dicks! I'm serious!


If you are confused about what this crazy chic is talking about you may not have read the last line of part 1.

My mother, God bless her, loves light houses. She purchased this metal lighthouse cookie cutter. Immediately, after she showed me this lovely item, I broke into gales of laughter. My humor was met with a smirk and a sharp, "Get your mind out of the gutter, Maddy!"

I can only share a picture to really show you what I'm talking about. There's just no other way to describe what this cookie cutter will produce ... Aside from a tray of baked dicks, complete with balls.

See? Exhibit A:


My first conversation with my Wildman was about this very thing.

I was living in my friend's basement and the Wildman had spent the night in the spare room (I had no idea he was there).

I had been tasked to make biscuits that morning and I came across my mother's cookie cutter in my baking supplies. No one was awake and I grabbed the cutter and headed up to the kitchen to make the biscuits, hoping to share my silly cookie cutter with the first person I saw.

Out of absolutely no where... He was there when I turned around. I shrieked and grabbed my heart.  He doubled over and started laughing, apologizing... But definitely way more amused that he had frightened me!

We discussed buttermilk biscuits and southern cooking, then I asked how he thought everyone would enjoy the biscuits if I cut them out with the cutter. More laughter. He saw and appreciated the humor immediately.

I didn't use the cutter on the biscuits because the sausage patties wouldn't fit right on dicks.


But those were some of my best biscuits.

3 years ago. October 28, 2020 at 2:09 PM

Scrolling through my feed on Facebook, I find a picture that my mother shared; an old family photo, with me, my sister, my Pépère, and aunt and uncle.


He has seen it and liked it. It's the little things, like that.  It seems small but I'm important enough to him that he is friends with my mother on social media AND he pays attention to these smaller memories.


We are so close and so much a part of each other now, it's hard to start at the beginning.


I miss him when I close my eyes. 


I laugh when I think about how we actually first started flirting.  We threw rocks at each other in the water at the beach. One pebble made it home in my bikini. I still have it.


We've been together for over a year, minus one "hiccup".  


I was with him with the full knowledge that he still had feelings for his ex. (She is the mother of two of his kids and was pregnant with the youngest during the hiccup... Baby mama drama!) He wanted to be with his kids, understandably so.  I very nearly gave up on him entirely. That was until I observed how she treated him.


This amazing man... already had been through some shitty situations.  I will leave it at that.  My heart would not let me abandon him. 


Let's just say he has been so broken and hurt but he has finally allowed himself to open his heart to me.

I never really considered myself a fallback plan or second choice.  I made a decision to be his friend first. To love him without conditions. To make sure that every moment he spent with me was easy and enjoyable and safe.  I know my worth. I know what I bring to the table... And that man deserves me.

I became "The woman that makes (him) happy".


Now ... I'm the woman he loves. He tells me all the time and I don't want a day to go by that he would ever question how much I appreciate and adore him. 


This doesn't really scratch the surface of how I met my Wildman, though, does it?

Before I start writing the blog on that... Google lighthouse cookie cutter results. Just do it. 

3 years ago. October 15, 2020 at 4:54 AM

3 years ago. October 15, 2020 at 12:47 AM

It has been tragically long since I have written anything... I've hardly read much in this forum as well.


First... I just want to take a moment and shout out to my dearest sisters and apologize for the distance. 


The world is in chaos. Externally and perhaps my inner world seems to be rocking back and forth between bliss and Hell. It almost gives it the illusion of balance.


This post will serve as a grand update. 

Since the first thing I got off my chest was an apology, this will be the second thing. But it is the main... huge thing in my life right now. 


The majority of my free time has been spent with a relatively new love. It feels new, although we've been together for over a year. It's only been months since I expressed my feelings to him and less time since he has expressed his feelings to me.


We got a new kitten...Milo loves her. I'll post pictures! Her name is Peaches.


I'll have to post a whole separate entry on this relationship.


I also have a boob story to tell.


And a threesome story to tell.


A Four Loco story I'm debating on telling.




Oh! I wrote a children's book! I'm working on getting it fixed up and edited and illustrated.


I've been working through the entire pandemic. My Dementia residents don't even understand why their loved ones can't (or couldn't) come see them. It was rough for a while.  


Another major issue that counters the good in my life...

My son has had battles with mental illness and drug abuse and just a few weeks ago, he attempted to take his own life. He's been living with me. (He's 22, it's just the two of us).

It could have been a blessing in disguise but I don't know if he's been quite right since being home. I'm not sure about the meds they put him on. 

This was not the first time... I don't expect it to be the last.

Any good thoughts and prayers are appreciated for him.


I hate to end things on a grimm note... But I promise I'll put forth some hilarity soon.


Love and kisses,


4 years ago. May 3, 2020 at 12:16 AM

4 years ago. May 2, 2020 at 9:22 PM


4 years ago. December 9, 2019 at 1:14 AM

He is a beautiful,

Wild creature.

Born of dark Orchids

And Saturday morning


Made up

Of dreams

And prayers

And challenges

A chameleon

And a master

Of everything

An upside down

Banana peeler

A feast for my eyes

My hands

My soul

Dancing the dance

Designed by


And Heaven

A MacGyver

An Oberron

An Adonis

The Sun

The edges

Of his presence


Like the fire

He starts

With his smile

His laughter

His voice

Always arriving

Before him

A loud resounding

Garment of silk

A channel

I’d never stop


4 years ago. November 21, 2019 at 7:38 AM

Lamenting Daffodils

And painting vines of black

Dolores had it right

When she said,

“I can’t sleep here.”


And then She hears that

Black Celebration

“I want to take you in my arms

Forgetting all

I couldn’t do today”

Her heart hurts


Because She knows

Someone else is in control


These words dance

In her mind

Like bodies

In a fancy masquerade

The dresses dusting the floor

Of memories and tears


Moving slowly

Together and apart

Nothing untouched

No corner ignored

She breathes in

And lets go


Wishing you were here



The sun and moon

Are both envious

And pale

Unable to sustain

Unable to grow

She pins them back

Upon the black

Of the sky

Knowing the element

Knowing what is needed



And it isn’t this

But it still means ...



Paint smears

On her elbows

Like a Rorschach test


Lips twisted

Taunting to say,

“It isn’t for you.

It never was.”


It never was



Could be the name

Of a place in a book

Of broken hearts

And thirsty souls


A race of beasts

The neverfed

Would sit with hollow eyes

Always wanting

Drained of passion


No muse in sight


She knows better

She only sleeps

Under a blanket

Of moss and earth


Waiting to be

Set on fire