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Free Form Thoughts on D/s Dynamics
5 years ago. September 17, 2018 at 10:14 PM

Have you ever fucked up and caused her pain?

    Not the kind she'd like, but the likes from which you'd like to refrain.


Omissions to deceive is what were talkin' 'bout here,

     it wasn't on purpose but I still wan't clear.


You can't earn her trust if she can't see your mind,

     if you hold anything back then you render her blind.


Deception's a crime in this world that we live,

     If you can't give the truth, then you've got nothing to give.


You want her soul then you give her yours first.

     barring that Sir, the reletionship's cursed.


Before she gives herself, I'll have to strip,

     not my clothes, but my soul, THEN she'll hand me the whip.

5 years ago. September 17, 2018 at 9:59 AM

My brush dances.

My brush is art.

My brush glances.

My brush rips you apart.


My brush torments.

My brush teases.

My brush relents.

My brush pleases.


My brush captures.

My brush is beauty.

My brush enraptures.

My brush has a duty.


My brush is pleasure.

My brush is pain.

My brush is treasure.

My brush is insane.


My brush is stilled.

My brush weaves.

My brush is willed.

My brush grieves.


My brush is knotty.

My brush is nice.

My brush likes your body.

My brush paradise.


My brush binds.

My brush heals.

My brush is unkind.

My brush is your shield.


My brush loves.

My brush tightens.

My brush holds.

My brush enlightens.


My brush brings hush.

My brush likes to grope.

My brush is no brush.

My brush is rope.


5 years ago. September 15, 2018 at 11:55 AM

So, as you are all aware I was really looking forward to posting something that I think readers would find thought provoking for my first "real" post...But, it needed some editing.


So, after getting home from work, I sat down and set to task, casually taking notice of the time of morning (2:46 am, this is good, I should not be interupted).


First, I decided on the the font, and other small details. Then I quickly scanned for structure keeping an eye out for typos and punctuation.


One hour gone, I was going strong.


Next, I reread for grammer usage, subject verb agreement, again keeping an eagle eye out for typos...


I thought to myself, "I'm gettin' an 'A' on this mutha' ", Two hours elapsed, I was like a machine.


It was going so well. I could see it starting to take shape... finish a thought here, omit that reference there (dear god what was I thinking going off on that tangent, It didn't go with anything).


I worked feverishly time no longer mattered to me, "HA! Time was for mere mortals..."


I was possesed, this would be the greatest literary triumph in hIstOrY! So what if only perverts and deviants would ever read it... It... would... be ..... EPIIIC!!!!


Three hours... three and a half......


As I race on toward my goal, my vision spaghetified, like I had crossed the event horizon of a massive was right in front of me, and I was about to hit save when.................


[Please standby while your system Restarts.]


.........w.....? why, while.. my .. system ...? WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEND!!!!


Yes, Ladies and Doms, I had just been "Dom'd by technology... It was a litterary orgasm denial by.........Bill Gates. *sigh*


(If I EVER meet that mother fucker, I swear to GAWD I will kick him in the balls for this!)


But then... in the midst of my preparations for seppuku. I had an epiphany. It was so clear what I must do... I set to task............First, I decided on a font..........................

5 years ago. September 14, 2018 at 6:13 PM

Opinions are like assholes... Don't be an "opinion".


Please check back for my first post soon. It needs some editing but I promise it is worth the wait.