Falling in love with submission
On my own two feet I stumble along I do
It’s tedious and exhausting
The parts of me I consider strong
Weaken at times when i least expect
If power is responsibility and ignorance is bliss than what steps must I pursue to obtain bliss.
It feels easier to be powerful, why do i dream of it, seek it, relentlessly pursue it
Growth doesn’t always equal climbing to the top but rather satisfying our own expectations, says the experts.
But I digress
For choices,(sometimes tough ones) produce outcomes and outcomes become our lives
It’s a roller coaster, a yin/yang, balance and moderation that should dictate our choices
Some days it feels so black and white
I dominate my world yet submit to him to harmonize my inner goddess (lol).
Other days feel grey (lol)
I fall in love with submission
Lord, for my soul I pray