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Simply thoughts and such. I have ramblings that may be related to the content here, so I will post whenever the craving arises.
3 months ago. June 13, 2024 at 10:44 AM

I've been considering what I ought to expect out of people lately. While the more nuanced answers aren't clear to me yet, one thing I think we should stop expecting, is to be entertained. To have our boredom addressed. 


Thinking about it; the desire to be entertained by people we are intimately involved with (as merely friends or more) establishes this strange dynamic where it may be necessary to censor or alter one's actions or feelings in order to appease our own boredom. When framed this way, it seems almost psychotic. Yet it is often demanded that people be fun to be around, without considering such implications. It very subtly reduces individuals to spectacle, where the value of a person is somewhat tied to their ability to distract us from our own malaise.

I'm aware that the hope is that you and the people you are involved with naturally mesh together in such a way that produces fun, but we all know that this is often not the case. And it seems to become even less so the more time you spend with a person. After all, a main aspect of fun lies in novelty. 


I think this has revealed a more general truth to me. And that is: Boredom is a symptom of not being able to live adequately with yourself.

vv V vv​(sadist male) - I was bored once didn’t like it, so I didn’t do it again. I self entertain now.
3 months ago
PlutoOrange​(switch female) - ♥️
3 months ago
PlutoOrange​(switch female) - I think there r other things under the layer of boredom.

Boredom is like a symptom. Maybe a sign that we dont look at own heart and body, do not see that the balance has shifted, anger which function is to act to run to dance to eat etc - is supressed, bcs in the first place, the deepest fear of fear (or fear of shame, or schock) are covering the access to oneself.

That is why one of the most common emotion of a narciss is boredom, that causes neglecting sognificant other (and others) and switch to next one.

I think trauma of narcissism can allow to look at boredom at a symptom. But in case of disorders, mind is to grandious to look at it as a symptom, and uses it only as a boredom of Others aka usual neglecting.
3 months ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - My ex used to come to me and say she was bored sometimes I said it was because she is boring sometimes
3 months ago
Sincorrigible​(sub female) - What is the opposite? When you live more than adequately with self, what are the symptoms?
1 month ago
vv V vv​(sadist male) - Inner peace, control over the remote, money in the bank, naked time in your home to name a few
1 month ago

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