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Zach's thoughts

Blogs on my thoughts, lessons learned in life and other random stuff I share.
3 months ago. July 17, 2024 at 2:01 AM

This will be a short one.




How do you ask for help? When everything is falling apart around you and it feels hopeless.

You worked your ass off. Went through hell to find stability, better yourself and reach new heights. For it to all get ripped away and crushed once again.

The hardest thing for me is as a Dom asking for help and saying everything isn't okay. We are meant to be the stable and strong one at all times.


How do you keep getting up and fighting back? Because getting knocked down so many times gets old after a while.


My priorities used to be about career success (my own business), money, the nice house, the dream D/s dynamic and taking care of my family.

Those priorities changed. Now I realize I need stability. I will still take care of my family, help others in some way and have the dream D/s dynamic (at least I hope) but stability has become the most important.

How do you create or find stability during a time of turmoil?

Or maybe the real question that needs to be asked, is seeking stability a lost cause because it never truly exists? 

Thanks for reading this short rambling of what's going on in my head.

Sweet Minx​(sub female){NotLooking} - It's okay to be not okay. You are still you. A kind, sarcastic, witty, funny, intelligent, fair, respectable Dom and great friend and big brother. It's not hopeless ever. Love ya Z!
3 months ago
SageFlame​(sub female) - I left So. Cal. - it helped. The instability your experiencing comes more from the inner landscape than circumstances. It sounds cliché but reducing stress is #1. Again, most of this is internal. It is not a quick fix but part of a journey in wellness. Financial and physical fitness are only a portion of wellness. Then mindset and the narratives that are residue from the past. But the rest is the climate around you. Who are you listening to and spending time with? Are they negative, or critical? This would be a beginning.

Stability, peace and wellness certainly exist. The trick is not to try to muscle your way there.
3 months ago

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