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Contemplative musings of a sub.

Honest gut feelings about real issues facing chatters here drawing from what i have been taught and from what i have personally learned.
5 years ago. July 7, 2018 at 4:46 PM

i composed this a short while ago on my fet wall.  then decided to share it here....enjoy!!!!!



has anyone or does anyone remember the age thing that you find on a toy box for kids? goes something like this....this toy appropriate for ages 3 mos to a year....yadda yadda and its different from toy to toy depending on the maturity level needed to play with any given toy.
well W/we all dont come with those recommendations but when i look at someones profile who sends me an email and i see nothing but pictures of their cock posted....i imagine this momentary notice that tells worried only about their cock. possesses only the maturity to worry that THEY are satisfied and not you.
and im aware that anyone viewing my posted pictures could likely think things like...plays too rough for me....or is a wild one...but it does not really matter except that the way i want to play in my sandbox is way different from the way that they probably want to play in theirs. and there isnt anything wrong with that except that....
chances are im looking to play with someone with a compatable maturity level to mine (yes OMG a woman worried about what she wants....oh MY!!!) and im looking to play with someone who likes to and is able to play with the same toys i like in the same way i do.
oh and while im at not sorry that i dont get turned on thinking about sexing someone who is young enough to be my kid. theres just many shades of wrong there for my taste.
if you need to get laid that up your candy money and pay someone fun. im NOT that girl. and dont muck up MY sandbox. my sex toys deserve to be treated with respect. and so do I.

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