So I've met people that follow this strictly and also people that have no idea what that even is
I think for most, people have probably heard some of it or something about it so I just wanted to go through it for my own sanity to have as a reference and for others in case they ever needed one, it seems like people either don't know or if they know they don't often educate others, so I'm gunna do that instead
Now I'm not sure where this higherarcy originally comes from, at most I think it had something to do with the "Old Guard" or people from that time but it might honestly be a lot older than that.
Whatever the case, the higherarcy as it was explained to me when I was first getting in this community, it came from reading things from a bdsm website, the site isn't around anymore but they had tons of information on the lifestyle and old traditions and so on, my first Owner Sir Cammy, gave me the website as a massive bdsm crash course on everything I needed to know, it was paramount I understood everything I was getting into before he agreed to be my Owner and protector, he stressed constantly that I was educated and understood things and would spend hours explaining something if needed be, he had to be double, triple and quadruple sure I understood everything before agreeing to anything and I still respect that about him because he made my safety as a complete noob feel like the most vital thing in the universe.
The higherarcy goes as follows
At the top of the list - Regionals, Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Enforcers, Slave Drivers, Militants, Sadists, Daddys/Mommys
In the middle - switches, wild pets, littles as they out rank the majority of the pet community
At the bottom - pets, general submissives, slaves always came last as they're at the very very bottom
I'm probably forgetting a couple terms or roles and power levels but that's what I remember off the top of my head and generally what I go by, and I've seen tons of people follow similar or they at least know roughly about the higherarcy and all that.
Hope this helps!