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Tali’s Rants and What nots

This is where I rant, vent, or share something good. You’ll never know what you’ll find here.
2 years ago. December 4, 2021 at 12:36 AM

Every Friday I go into therapy. I go in and see my therapist.  I started to see him a few months ago. We talked about how I needed to work through some of my past. Learn some more triggers. I looked at him and knew after 28 years it was time to really work through this. He set up a plan and started at the beginning. He knew before I started the surface of everything. He didn’t know the extent. He learned really quick, I was very “flat” when talking about my past. His word, not mine. 

Over the past couple of weeks we have been working on emotions and feelings. I don’t show them much. I have been told I am cold hearted or I just don’t care. I call myself overly guarded and cautious. I mean if you heard my story, you’d understand why. 

Today I walked in with some big feels. I mean big feels for me. I told him it’s been a roller coaster of feels. I have been allowing myself to finally feel things and make connections. I told him about my haters last week. How I removed people from my Facebook and my Snapchat. I really didn’t care who they were. I didn’t need that negativity in my life. 

I told him about some other things going on as well. I wasn’t sure how to deal with these feels. Let alone, why I was feeling them. I felt they were all wrong and I shouldn’t feel them. He asked me how I was dealing with all of these. I told him I was writing.  I was writing more and it’s how I deal. If you haven’t figured out, it’s my self-care. 

After talking with him today about these BIG FEELS, he wanted to figure out a connection. We started to talk about 2016. I have never verbalized what happened in 2016. I never talked about some of the feelings I felt. Let alone the red flags I saw later in life. How my husband made me feel during these times..



I began to share about my journey of wanting to relapse after 12 years clean. I told my husband I wasn’t safe. I explained reading 13 Reasons Why in two days was not a good choice. My life and Hannah’s life has so many similarities it isn’t funny. My husband told me to get my big girl panties on and deal with it. So, I dealt with it the best way I did.  I went to a guy I thought was a good Dom. 

After many encounters with this guy I learned how much abuse and shit I was out through. The thing is, when I talked about my consent being broken by this guy taking pics and videoing me without my permission did my therapist get mad. Not at me, but for me. He saw on my face that this was nothing. He saw how normalizing I was feeling during all of this. 

After seeing him angry, we stopped. He couldn’t take anymore. Nor could I really. By now, I was feeling things. Normally I could shutdown my tears and walk out of his office and be fine. This was the first time he talked to me, and all I could do was nod. I became nonverbal. I didn’t know how to use my words. I didn’t know how to stop crying or vocalize anything in that moment. 

I realized at for the first time, someone cared enough to get mad.  Remind me it wasn’t my fault. Get mad enough to tell me what he did with the cameras was not ok. I did nothing wrong. For the first time, I knew I was safe and I could cry and it was ok.  

When I talked to my husband about this after it all happened he said it was my fault. My husband knew I was seeing this guy. He asked for an open relationship. By the time February came along he said “you’ll do what’s right”. For me, I chose the lesser of the two evils. My husband didn’t let me cry, he didn’t let me feel, or have emotions.  It was always my fault.

When my therapist was upset today, I finally could feel something I never felt. I didn’t know how to process this. Once I could vocalize this. I told him, that he was the first to get that angry. The sad thing is, everyone in my life just has a high tolerance for bullshit. That can be a problem. It has now shown to be a problem. 

All my big feels this week came crashing in. I have never had to deal with them before. Now, I need to learn.

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - (((hugs))) I know how hard it must have been, to allow someone else to see your emotions. I promise you...I PROMISE, it calms down after you go through the mud and while you will no longer be flat, you ALSO will no longer be hanging onto the mountainside by your fingernails.

I know. I've been there. Sometimes, I'm still hanging on by fingertips but now my muscles aren't as sore from the strain and I'm not there for long. Please, keep trying.
2 years ago
Talitha​(sub female) - I’m not giving up by any means. It’s just been extra hard while I work though this.
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Yup. It's gonna be but that's what gives you your strength in the end. In your darkest moments, you will be able to look back on the struggle you have already been through, remember that you had the same feelings back then as you do now and if you are VERY perceptive, you will have an "ah ha" moment and realise that you survived this feeling before. You have experience. You have HOPE that it will end.

That hope is what will help you keep putting on foot in front of the other. You may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but remembering that you couldn't see it before didn't mean it wasn't there.

It's what builds your emotional resilience.
2 years ago
Talitha​(sub female) - The thing is, it was normalized for me. I had endured abuse from the age of 12 and it didn’t stop. I had various people abuse me all the way until 2019. Just the sexual abuse stopped in 2018.

When something is so normalized you don’t know why is wrong until you are told.
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Yup. Been there. Done that. Have the t-shirt to prove it.

But that doesn't mean you are powerless to UNnormalize it. The chain of abuse CAN be broken, if your hate for the pain you are in is stronger than your fear of change.
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - No one can walk your journey for you....

But I assure you, you aren't alone. You are never alone.
2 years ago
Hammermon777​(dom male) - You shouldn’t be in a bdsm relationship till your done working thru the sexual abuse !!! Tell the sir your talking to you are In Therapy if he doesn’t understand leave !!! Just because the Sharks smell the blood doesn’t mean they can feast on you !!! This needs to be fixed and taken off the table !!! So many times Bdsm is used for as a crutch for therapy!!! You are not submissive to anyone but who you choose !!! Your not ready for a D/s relationship ask your therapist !!! Until you can quit submitting to others your not ready !!!
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - While I understand your thinking, I disagree with you. I'm just reaching 50 and I'm still dealing with abuse issues (now it's more abandonment issues rather than sexual abuse) and if I stayed out of a relationship till I was "done", I'd never be in one.

You never fully recover. You CAN have BDSM and therapy. In fact, the most growth I've done was when I paired the two, since BDSM forces you to communicate for your own safety and we'll being. It forces to you feel, which is what she needs help with. Being given permission to feel is freeing and breaks the chain of abuse.
2 years ago
Talitha​(sub female) - My submissive side is very much apart of me. My true submission lies with whoever I choose as my Dominant whoever that is. Just like my little side, I am always little. My little side comes out when I feel safe.

I have been in the community since 2015. I have grown in and out of this lifestyle. My last Dom I had helped me grow. He helped me push past some of my triggers I had. Which, yes, he had consent to do so.

I am going through therapy because of my rape in 2018. It is also bringing up other things I didn’t know I needed to work on. Hence, another reason I am going. As far as my relationship status, I am single and unowned. I plan to be that way for awhile. I know I am not ready. It’s my choice. Not the choice of someone else to tell me when I should date.

I am way more open than some people. I’m very honest with those I talk with.
2 years ago

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