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The Stone Shelter

Even stone can be worn down.
5 years ago. November 1, 2019 at 1:20 PM

May peace, prosperity, and pleasure be yours in three-fold of threes measure.





Edit:  I got an email wondering if my sweet little spice and I had ended things.  Nope, nope, nope.  We are still going strong.  I posted this wish (or possibly Samhain blessing) for YOU, if you are reading it.  Releasing as much positivity as I can into the aether, not because I want or even need anything in return.  Not even Karma.  But, because I care that you have as much peace, prosperity, and pleasure as you can stand, my friends.

Satindragon​{Not Lookin} - You know I love your music choices! Good to see you hear my friend. I have missed you greatly.
5 years ago
dawnryse​{Happy} - Happy! Happy! Happy!!!!!
5 years ago
venia​(sub female)​{notlooking}Verified Account - Its nice to see you back :)
5 years ago
Litlegrl​(sub female)​{Dragon11} - I now have the song on repeat! Love the song ?
5 years ago
kajirasubm​{On Hiatus } - Thank you for your indepth answer to my question.
4 years ago

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