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This is a product of boredom, please do not pay it any mind. It's just me rambling about my life.
5 months ago. November 14, 2023 at 2:49 PM

I've been hit by a streak of bad luck. Or unfortunate happenings.

It's both concerning and amusing (not really.).


I've had two, TWO fire drills and it's only Tuesday. It would have been fine, if my class wasn't on the 5th floor of an old building. And no, one floor doesn't mean one set of stairs. It's 3 sets. Because the architect decided that every class needed a massively high ceiling. I'm complaining because I'm sore from the gym. Very bad timing.


My umbrella broke. I had an umbrella breaking curse during middle school when every single one I touched would just, well, break. I thought that was over. But I clearly got too comfortable, because someone bumped into me today, making me drop my umbrella. They apologized, I waved them off saying it was fine, I pick it up and try to open it, but lo and behold, it doesn't open. And it's raining cats and dogs.


I'm standing at the bus stop, as one does, I see the bus coming, and I step forward. Right at that moment, some driver who should get his license revoked, quickly parks right before the bus arrives, to drop someone off at the station. Was he careful of the massive water puddle? Absolutely not. So I got drenched. The jackass didn't even apologize. I was wearing my white coat...


My train was late.


The vending machine at the train station didn't work.


I slipped while going down the stairs towards the train platform (I'm fine, just saw my life flash before my eyes).


All this, just today. And it's not even 4pm yet. I'm cancelling my evening workout. Better safe than sorry.


EDIT : I just broke my nail 😭 

Jack in the box -
"isnt it ironic, dontchya think?"
5 months ago
JustGreenie{Lona Alofa} - Alanis Morrisette for the win!

5 months ago
Jack in the box -
Yaaaaayy 🙂
5 months ago
JustGreenie{Lona Alofa} - Oh I am in the same boat of all things “just happening” I have decided to cancel the rest of my day and hide in the safety of my home. With my luck the house will take me out. Have a better day!
5 months ago

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