One week from today marks two years exactly... Two years ago, on November 17, my love was taken by Death. Death didn't creep in or knock, He left no time for begging or bargains, He simply came and left. Leaving me. Leaving me alone, afraid, broke (less than $300 in the bank), my life and heart shattered into pieces too numerous to count. Humpty Dumpty had nothing on me. And yet...
And yet here I sit, writing this. Tears streaming down my cheeks, yes, but I am here and I am almost whole again. I was shattered and those pieces of me could not be put back again, but the strangest thing happened, New pieces are forming, growing over the holes, connecting the parts that remained. Taking what was left of me, adding to it and creating a new "me".
Slowly, I am taking shape and learning how to live, how to laugh and how to love again. My Daddy Wolf is helping me be. Through his love, my love grows. The joy he has brought into my life, has also brought the laughter back. And once more, I have truly begun to live. Still today...
Still today i sit and cry. Crying for all I had and all I lost.
I believe now, I shall call my Daddy Wolf and let him comfort me, soothe me while I cry and stay with me until the tears stop falling. Because, as he is always reminding me...
"I get it all Babygirl. I get your cummies and your tears and, my beautiful Babybitch, I've got You.