super sappy, but i'm a sappy sort. just when you love someone, it doesn't matter who, it could be a lover, a child, family, friends, it's so hard to convey to them sometimes, how much you love them. all you can do is give them your heart, right?
if only my words
could fall
like dry leaves all around you
surround your face
like a curtain of hair
closing your sight
to nothing but me
and my eyes
and my lips
and my love
if only my heart
was yours to hold
in your warm hand
to beat out the tempo
of love for you:
hold it to your breast
feel my life beat for you
if only we could fall
like drops of rain
and be caught in each others'
mouths eyelashes hair
to be with you
would be worth
if only you could
drink my soul
and feel my words
maybe then you would own
what I am
maybe then the pain
would end
when I am inside you,
my words in your ear
my heart in your chest
my tears in your eyes
maybe, when all I am is a memory
a brush of soft hair on your face
a touch of love on your hand
a whisper of warmth wrapped around you
maybe, then you will love me.
maybe then you will know
you were loved