I tell everyone I am the easiest asshole you ever meet but that's not true. Im the nice guy that will go out of my way for a friend or love one even if they treat me like shit. When they say nice guys finish last there is a reason for that because we let the assholes go ahead of us to get the woman we really want or to get whatever they want even. If we get left in the dust for it. Yes unfortunately i am that guy that has step a side to see the woman. I wanted to be happy 9 off of 10. Shes not but when things end I step in to be there for her as the friend she needs never stepping over the friendship boundary. Deep down hope she will see that I was the guy for her it never happens until. I walk out of her life but i have been through a lot and yes I am damage. I have been beat down mentally emotional to the point. I have almost given up then. I tell myself that there has to be someone out there that can love me for me and that will stay by my side not only when times are good. But also when times get really bad. I know no relationships are always good there are always arguments, fights and words are said that are not meant to be said but at those times they are meant to be said.
4 years ago. June 8, 2020 at 6:40 AM