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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
3 years ago. September 19, 2021 at 8:20 AM

I am an incurable romantic

I believe in hope, dreams and decency

I believe in love,

Tenderness and kindness.

I believe in mankind.

I believe in goodness,

Mercy and charity

I believe in a universal spirit

I believe in casting bread

Upon the waters.

I am awed by the snow-capped mountains

By the vastness of oceans.

I am moved by a couple

Of any age – holding hands

As they walk through city streets.

A living creature in pain

Makes me shudder with sorrow

A seagull’s cry fills me

With a sense of mystery.

A river or stream

Can move me to tears

A lake nestling in a valley

Can bring me peace.

I wish for all mankind

The sweet simple joy

That we have found together.

I know that it will be.

And we shall celebrate

We shall taste the wine

And the fruit.

Celebrate the sunset and the sunrise

the cold and the warmth

the sounds and the silences

the voices of the children.

Celebrate the dreams and hopes

Which have filled the souls of

All decent men and women.

We shall lift our glasses and toast

With tears of joy.

~Leonard Nimoy~

Sasa​(dom female) - He described a lot of us I am sure, me included ❤ Thank you got sharing
3 years ago
SweetSirRendering​(sub female) - thank you for sharing this. nimoy’s poems speak optimistically of our humanity and encourage we take care of one another.

i have a book of his poetry and like many, love his character, spock. astounding how often we can call on the wisdom of the man or the vulcan to center our thoughts on the most important truths :) 🖖 we can learn a lot from the man that was, sometimes, half vulcan ;).
3 years ago

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