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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
3 months ago. June 1, 2024 at 10:29 AM


That period of time in the morning when no one else is awake but you, and you can have some quiet time to yourself before the household is awake.


For me, it’s that moment of stillness before the world wakes up. A quiet pause just before the birds begin to stir. And then suddenly, everything comes to life. Pure magic. This is my favourite part of the day 💕 


“Soubhiyé is the magical time of silence and solitude when you might be the only person in existence, a liminal space between dreaming and waking, the rest of the house still aslumber. Soubhiyé is an art. A time to gaze outside at the bowl of stars, savor the scald and smell of a good cup of coffee in your favorite mug.”



intenseoldman​(dom male) - My favorite time, too. Just do you pronounce it? Good Soubhiyé!
3 months ago
Bunnie - Soo (as in “you”)- be (as in shortened “bee”)- ye (as in “yet” without the “t”).
Couldn’t find a phonetic of it, so this is my attempt lol.
3 months ago
lambsone - I just had that when I watered the Azalias outside. No one else in the neighborhood was stirring outside. It felt wonderful, like I could conquer the world.
3 months ago
S D - This has a l ways been my favorite time of the day. Do you know the origin of the word Bunnie?
3 months ago
Bunnie - Lebanese Arabic.
3 months ago
Satindragon{Not Lookin} - My favorite time of day as well.
3 months ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - I often arrive at work or start work an hour early. It's the most work (often the only work) I get done all day before my staff arrives and then the controlled chaos begins. Thank you for sharing.
3 months ago

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