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Dancing in darkness and solitude

4 years ago. July 8, 2020 at 7:01β€―PM

Today is a VERY special day of wonder, joy and celebration!! <3

All the faeries gather in great delight  as the music begins to play..


A magical, beautiful gorgeous soul was born on this very special of specialist days <3

Mama Grey Eyes, beautiful graceful and so full of love and joy πŸ˜„ <3

The path was set for a new adventure  there would be countless delights on the way!! 

Much dancing and merriment will be celebrated on this fine evening

With much dancing and enjoyment

I truly wish, hope and pray this is the best birthday yet, sending ALL my love in rainbow kisses and hugs, we will be having a grand tea party our side (teddies and I :D, kitty only gets milk 😜 )


You are an amazing, gentle sweet loving soul and I am so happy and blessed to know you <3 <3 <3 



Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - Thank you so much sweetest little one. β€οΈπŸ’•β€οΈπŸ˜»πŸ˜πŸ˜˜ So unexpected. So well received in my heart and soul
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - You have done an amazing birthday wish and you don't know how much this means to her.. thank you Missy for being a part of this from your side
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - My great privilege and joy to be a part of both your lives poppa β€οΈπŸ€—πŸ’•please just spoil her as much as humanly possible for me since I can't do so in person right now πŸ™ˆπŸ€¨πŸ™„
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - I will
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - And a foot rub and raspberries, lotsa raspberries all over πŸ€­πŸ‘€β˜ΊοΈ
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ€—β€οΈπŸ’‹β˜ΊοΈMost welcome mama, hope the fairy dust and lights make you smile and giggle with joy
4 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned}Verified member - Oh yes Missy, along with tears of joy
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Just not too many mama you got dancing and pictures to do for me and puffy eyes are no Buenos πŸ‘€πŸ€­πŸ˜˜
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - Si Chiquita
4 years ago

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