To heartbreak
Thank you for breaking me wide open
And giving birth to a new me
To dissatisfaction
Thank you for helping me to unlock my greatness
And see the potential that lies within me
To failure
Thank you for alerting me to what isn't working
And allowing me to gain greater experience, understanding and clarity
To envy
Thank you for mirroring back to me
What I secretly desire
And wish to become and achieve
To loneliness
Thank you for teaching me to comfort myself
And better appreciate my own company
To betrayal
Thank you for alerting me to those
Who aren’t operating from a place of truth and authenticity
To rejection
Thank you for redirecting me
And for teaching me to love myself enough to let go of those who are no longer aligned with me
To abandonment
Thank you for teaching me to show up for myself fully
When others fail to show up for me
To pain
Thank you for giving me space
To feel my feelings non-judgementally
And heal and mend from what has hurt me
And to myself
Thank you for being strong enough to honour these experiences
And allow them to empower you
To heal, grow, evolve, transform
And become all that you are capable of being.
Author: Tahlia Hunter