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Dancing in darkness and solitude

1 year ago. August 5, 2023 at 10:23 AM

So many times in the last few weeks I’ve found instances where I come across something and know inside I could have done it better, been more organised, put in more effort or detail.

Simple things, small ways to make my life easier in the future and that I would normally do without a second thought. And it bothers me more than I think it should ( let’s be realistic here there’s a sliding scale of how “good/bad” things are and how guilty you should feel about it). 

This then leads to thoughts on how this came about, what changed or altered my inherent behaviours and when did I start slipping, spinning for lack of a better word. I understand intellectually that this is part of emotional burnout , and that some of the things I expect of myself falls under perfectionism and toxic productivity, but there’s still that niggly little part of me that expects more of myself, and that whisper of disappointment that goes with it when these instances occur. 

I have resolved to try my best not to let it get to me too much , and to make small adjustments as I go to gradually improve things overall so that’s at least some progress if nothing else. 

Sometimes even just knowing that you’re struggling and deciding to gently work on it is improvement enough 🐾🦋🌸.


Has anyone had similar experiences and/or have advice on this? 

DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - I am the KING of guilt and shame.
I have put it on myself my whole life. I wrestle with it now and may always since it is so deeply entrenched in my identity.

It, for ME, has always been about my value being measured by what I can DO.
Society doesn't help. Men, especially, are measured by how much they accomplish. The hustle culture. Even to a degree the awareness culture that exists today.
A mad dash to be better. More. Healthier. To grow. To learn. It can become this overwhelming pressure to perform.
I have witnessed myself applying the same energy towards self-improvement as I had in the past of perfectionism.
Being a perfectionist is in large part a type of trauma response to not feeling safe to just be where we are. We have been disallowed or unapproved when we have struggled, or navigated this the best we could yet it was reflected to us we fell short in their eyes.
Today we try to measure up to the image within us we believed we 'should' have been back then. Trying to correct a past lens of others that were close to us. Instead of recognizing those people's lens's were just that....theirs. They need not be our truth.
That is the challenge for many of us with such trauma. The reconditioning. The realization and remembrance that we are allowed to be where we are today. That being human is all we can be.
Sure, we do get to become more. And a desire for such is enough. There will be times we will get to put in the depth of work necessary to grow. But it will come when we are not attempting to force that growth. We cannot know how that is supposed to look anyway.

Today, when I catch myself pushing too hard. When I see that I am putting guilt on myself or shaming myself for some imagined lack of measuring up.....I work to be more patient with myself. More kind. More gentle. The type of grace I wish I would have received when I fell short in another person's lens a long time ago that helped form this type of trauma.

It is not easy.
And even in this I have found myself being too harsh and critical of myself. When I struggle to just be gentler with myself I then can make myself guilty there too!!!
It is a vicious cycle!!!!

Again, I work to notice the pattern.....and just stop. Breathe.
Accept I am allowed to not have the answers.
I will not figure it all out.
I will not be perfect.
I will let others down.
I will not measure up in everyone's eyes.
The ONLY person in this earth whose lens matters is my own.
And I work to be gracious with myself and see myself as the perfectly imperfect soul I am.
1 year ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - That is so perfectly worded, my value and worth has always been measured by what I can do/give to others. You are absolutely right in all of this, I do so try to remember these things and remind myself to go slow. That there doesn’t always have to be a rush or stress or pushing harder towards something. But as you say it’s become so ingrained in me it then becomes goes into the cycle of guilting myself on the other side of the scales, trying to find the delicate balance in between.

I’ve never thought of it before as not allowing myself to just be , thank you for the insight and perspective it definitely allows me to change my thoughts and look at it from a different angle🙏🏻🐾and to remember you’re not lost if you don’t have a map or a destination in mind. Growing past the hurt and trauma takes time , and learning to be gentle with myself is just another part of it that I need to learn to accept and embrace 🦋.
1 year ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - I use to struggle with this, too..i think most peopledo to some extent.. I am not a professional, just a girl that has gone through what you described for many years and now when I reflect back on things I tell myself, I did the best I could with the information, experience and resources I had at the time. I've learned with time and you will, too, to be kind to myself..there's enough negativity tossed around we need to make sure we are not only setting boundaries with negativity energy coming our way but also be our own best friend. 🌻
1 year ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - This is also a wonderful point of view and reminder thank you lovely lady 😊I suppose I should also start trying to figure out why I so readily and easily allow myself to show kindness and tolerance for others but can’t seem to give myself the same kind of love and grace, that’s probably a big part of it too. It sometimes feels like there’s this huge barrier between “me” and “others” and that things don’t always apply to me that should to them. Strange but true.
1 year ago

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