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Truth be told

3 years ago. March 26, 2021 at 2:42 AM

When you start things off with a half or twisted truth, it is a lie. As time goes on and you add another lie and you begin to build upon those lies you will trip up. 

I am trying to wrap my head around the so called notion in this lifestyle of being open, honest, and truthful that appear to be almost non-existing or lacks greatly for some. I simply do not understand why lie even with the smallest of things. 

I had been talking to a Dom for a few months. We hit it off. We talked about general life things, the basic about ourselves and our profiles. One thing I am very good at and is part of my job, is being detailed oriented and listening. While things did not pan out because we were on different pages of our journey, he stopped taking to me. I was not hurt in the least and had told him we should part ways wishing him all the best and if he still wished to talk and be friends, I was there. That did not appear to be the case after all and have not to heard from him since. 

One day out of curiosity, I was wondering how he was doing and stopped by his profile and noticed it had been updated. And right there in my face, his real age. Really?! And it was not a typo, since the age conversation was had. The kicker was that he is older and I had told him I prefer my men to be. Again, why lie (rhetorical question here)? Not that it matters, Now I wonder what else he lied about.


Therefore, if you are going to lie, keep track of them would ya or don’t get caught. Better yet, don’t do it, grow up and be a man if you’re going to call yourself a Dom and tell the truth because once you tell a lie and get caught, you’ve already planted the seed of distrust and then it’s over.

Everything eventually comes to light...

Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - ALL truth here! Always best to be honest, even if we know it will hurt, because lies hurt more. Great blog share and reminder! Hope you're well 🌼🤍🌼
3 years ago
Balthezor - I love this, it hits close to home for me.
3 years ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - It is not always easy to be honest, but it’s always necessary.
3 years ago
MountaintopMaster - I couldn't keep a fabricated story straight if my life depended on it. So I always tell the truth. I left my age in my profile off by just a couple years solely for the purpose of anonymity, though. Dunno why I even bothered.
3 years ago
AdamDragon​(dom male) - This is spot on. But it also applies to both sides of the slash. No matter how brutal, truth must be revealed. Sooner or later it comes full tilt.
3 years ago
Lion​(dom male){Hazel Eyes} - From my childhood, easier to tell the truth than to keep track of all the lies. Nothing but the truth so help you God.
3 years ago
Jlicious​(sub female) - Always good to keep it honest , people always say they’re honest but don’t know the first thing about honesty. That term is used loosely.
Yes I agree with you why lie about something so small , gets you thinking what else have you lied about ???
3 years ago

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