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Kinky interactions for the D/s inclined

A list of my meanderings into the world of kink
2 months ago. July 11, 2024 at 6:08 AM


She'd have to think very carefully before her next move. Being in the middle of the ocean didn't provide a great many opportunities for escape.

Her father's merchant ship had been overrun by the pirates. They had killed nearly everyone on the ship. She and a few of the crew were spared. Those that were allowed to live agreed to join the pirate crew and replacements for the ones who were killed in the short-lived battle.

She had insisted on going with her father this time because he was headed to India. She had been fascinated by the scents, sounds and sights from stories she would hear from other travelers. After all, she was 19 and more than capable of handling herself, right?

While in India, she was enthralled by the market center. She bought so many new and wonderful things. Saris, head scarves, bangles for wrists and ankles, rings, and this lovely chain to wear around her waist. She loved the cold touch of it against her skin each time she put it on.

Now she was trapped in the captain's quarters with no visible means of escape. He came into the room as she was just starting to search for a weapon that would keep the animal from attacking her to fulfill his vile, animalistic desires.

The captain was no small man and stood over 6' tall. She could see he held several of her scarves in his hand. "Disgusting beast", she thought. "I'll have to wash those 10 times to get his stench off of them."

He crossed the room in two strides, grabbed her wrists behind her back and rapidly secured them with the dark purple scarf. Then he took the yellow one and blindfolded her.

"Ye can't run, if ye can't see, poppet." he said in a bemused tone. "Now, I'd hate to ruin that pretty garment of yours. If you put up a fight, luv, I'll slice it off of you with my blade. If you relax, I'll take if off all nice and proper for ye."

He gave her a moment to weigh her options. The thought of destroying her favorite emerald dress was too much. "I'll be still you filthy pillager." She may not fight physically to preserve her clothing, but that didn't mean she would comply verbally.

"There's a good girl, pet." he laughed at her insolence.

He kept her hands bound while he undid the lacing and ties that seemed to have her wrapped better than egyptian mummy. But he had to remove the scarf around her wrists to get it off completely.

She couldn't see him, but she could hear him humming. She could smell him, too. Surprisingly, he must have bathed because his odor was clean and manly. As he got close again, she smelled something else. Rum! "Drunken sot." she thought.

He pushed her onto the bed and straddled her body. There was no way she could get away but she struggled anyway. He grabbed one wrist and pulled it over her head to attach it to the headboard with the scarf. She hit him with the other until he repeated his process. Even though she was naked, blindfolded and couldn't move her hands, it didn't stop her from using her legs to kick and thrash with all of her might.

After some time, she was breathing heavily and realized he wasn't even within kicking distance. He had let her wear herself out by her futile struggling.

Suddenly, she felt his hand grab her ankle and rapidly secure it to the foot board. This caused her to be reinvigorated and attempt to connect her heel with his genitals; lashing wildly in any direction she could. He made quick order of securing her final appendage.

She could hear him still humming softly, standing next to the bed. "You are a disgusting beast of a person. I shan't even call you a man for that would be too much of a compliment. You don't even deserve to live among swine in their pens."

This got a soft laugh out of him. "Ye think ye won't take any pleasure from this, miss? I think ye be mistaken." With that his hand moved slowly up her thigh and his fingers slid into her with ease. She could feel her own wetness begin to spread on the covers. She was humiliated and turned a bright shade of red. "Yes, miss, I can see that ye think so poorly of this lonely pirate." again he chuckled.

"It's been a long time since this sword was sheathed properly, pet. This first time won't last as long, but don't you worry your pretty head. We'll take care of ye right and proper before we drop you on shore." he whispered in her ear.

He shed his clothes quickly and moved between her legs, again stroking her wetness and spreading it all over her. Her breathing became heavy and ragged but not because of exertion this time.

Without warning, he pushed into her and fucked her hard. She felt like he was using a battering ram and couldn't discern the pain from being stretched from the pleasure of the feel of him inside her. His promise of a quick end turned out to be more of an idle threat. He thrust into her again and again until she could no longer hold back. Her orgasm released in floods around his cock and soaked the bedding beneath her. The spasms continued until he spilled his seed, marking her as his own.

Her humiliation returned. Not just because she released so much fluid over him; not just because she felt warm and sated; not just because of the pleasure she received and gave. No, her embarrassment stemmed from the burning desire to repeat the act, but only with him. She was ruined for any other.

TopekaDom​(dom male) - Arrrrrrrrr!

I've come fir my booty!

Now bend over, matey!
2 months ago
Max Sterne​(dom male){Morley} - Excellent prose!
2 months ago

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