Just a moment to share a *success*.
Right now in my world all things are in massive upheval. For a long time I've had it all together. In the past, when it wasn't all stable I faced a lot of anxiety. In the last three weeks Ive faced more opportunity for fear and anxiety than I've had since the beginning of Covid. However, today has brought a very big successful moment, too.
I've been facing a major shift in how a specific situation in my country works. I'm a big problem solver, but I finally got to the point where I've exhausted every single option of how to "work the problem" and there is no working it. It's just unworkable. Let me clarify that I'm fine inside my own life. I'm 100% capable of sorting things where I am, but what I CANT do is sort things *outside* my own country. I can't do what I've prided myself on being able to do. The win here is this.... as soon as I became absolutely convinced that this is a problem I can't "work" or solve... I turned on my mic to MstrJ who was just laying down to sleep and I said: "So I know this is exactly not the time, and I'm not asking for an answer now... but I need to ask to edit one thing in our dynamic. I can't fix this. I cant change this. I don't know what to do or how to solve it. Can I hand it over to you?" He rolled over, opened both eyes and said: "And that's exactly what we do. Yes. As in all things, when it's not workable I'll set the priorities and we will continue to move forward." with an "ok" sign, and that was that.
Does that mean I escape from responsibility over it? No. It means that I'm now responsible for communicating all sides of the issue. I'm responsible for continuing to look for solutions. Most importantly, I'm responsible for following through with the priorities He sets when He does. Now that I've handed over the prioritization for this, what that means is I don't take it back. It's not "hey can you sort this until it's easy" ...
Thank you for allowing me to hand this one over and seek Your guidance when it's bigger than me. Thank You for letting me know I'm not alone. Thank You for being willing to hold things when they are too big.
I'm grateful.
~His slaveMikayla