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A DOM's muse

These Blogs reflect and represent my thoughts and desires as I follow my path.
5 years ago. May 13, 2018 at 10:15 AM


The hardest thing to do in life is to accept who you are.  

To embrace all that you can be. 

To accept you for the special person you are

To turn your back on the world that puts you down.

To turn away from those who too easily put you down

To accept that you are truely special, unique and beautiful in your own right

To chase your dreams when others tell you to give them up.

To rise up when those around you are saying stay down

To have the strength to believe, to hope, to dream, to be 




I am special

I am scared

I am imperfect

I choose to dream

I choose to follow those dream

I choose to be me

I am on a journey that knows no end.

I will fight for what I believe in.

I will protect those I love

I will accept me for who I am today and who i will be tomorrow

I will be me

I am




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