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A Dom's Tale ~ The journey there and back again

Thoughts and notes on the journey.....
4 years ago. February 15, 2020 at 3:28 PM

    I get up in the morning to the ever increasing alarm volume, drop on my robe, pop a K-cup into the Keurig, and check out the news, the forecast, and the world in a 15 minute briefing given by ever loyal Alexa. It always causes me the chuckle a bit at the British accent I have given her, there’s just something nice and soothing about prefacing the worlds disasters with that

    The voicemail is silent, no text messages received overnight, so the start of the business day will be a smooth takeoff, no pending issues to far. So all my morning duties performed, I have 20 minutes before I have to get into the shower, and get ready to face the day, so iI peruse the normal websites before heading to the shower. I cannot help but imagine how different it could be, if I could find .. her.....


     I wake up a bit before the alarm goes off, and quickly cancel it so as not to disturb her. But before getting up, I want to take a couple minutes just to gaze at her, still sleeping next to me in the bed, her face pointing toward me, a look of absolute peacefulness on her face. I often times felt I would never find her, and I give a quick silent prayer to God that I will forever be the Dom she needs, and her gift of submission will remain mine forever. She completes me.

    I start to slowly move out from under the heavy comforter we have been sharing overnight, slowly and methodically try to get out of bed without waking her. As my foot reaches the floor, a velvet soft hand brushes my face and gently tugs at me not to get up. I turn to look at her, and she simply says “Good Morning.” Just 2 words, that’s all there is, but its also all I need to stay in bed, and she knows it.

    I get all the way back in bed, and I pull her to my side. Laying on my back, she snuggles up against me, and lets out a gentle sigh as I stroke her hair, and return the morning greeting. Now holding her in my arms, I reflect back upon last night, the love we shared, the needs we filled, our souls intertwined and impervious to the outside world and its issues. This is the safest place on Earth, for both of us. As I lay there, happy and content with our world we have created, she softly whispers, “you’re going to be late”. Amazing how the time flew by, where did it go? I get up, gather my suit for the day, and gently kiss her forehead before heading for the shower……

CSI - That sounds idyllic.
4 years ago
CuriousT​(sub female) - That does sound almost perfect.
4 years ago

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