The clock gently whispers, another moment is gone.
it is lost now to time, and cannot be reborn.
How many lost moments, while thinking of you,
have passed by unnoticed, slipping into history's legend.
How many more have I spent wondering what you were thinking.
Did you think of me this day, do you wonder what marvels the shrouded future may hold.
Or does the uncertain and mysterious future hold you immobile, terrorized?
Do you fear for your heart,
Unable to move, silently frozen in place, paralyzed into stone.
Is this why you're silent?
No uttered words can free you from your bonds,
but if you will but give me a sign, a small flicker from your darkness,
In the flicker of light that lasts but a mere second,
you will see the shadow of my hand, waiting for you to take it
The clock whispers again, another moment has passed
It will not stop, it cannot stop...
The clock heeds its master,
as time marches on....