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A Dom's Tale ~ The journey there and back again

Thoughts and notes on the journey.....
4 months ago. May 26, 2024 at 4:00 AM


In honor and loving memory of my father.....


Never Forget.....


Those who have served to provide to us the blanket of freedom we have become so very accustomed to...That have given their time, their hearts, their courage, their bodies, and sometimes their very lives

Those who sacrificed so very much , who gave all ....

Yes, on this day we honor our service men and women, from the very first heartbeat of our nation until now...,through tomorrow and beyond. We honor the fallen, the wounded, those who served before and those serving today. What you have given us cannot be repaid. And as they come into the forefront of our minds today,  PLEASE don't forget the others who have borne the cost of our freedom.   





Thank you to the husbands, wives, and spouses of the fallen, They cannot hold you today, but we can....






Thank you to the children who will never feel their parent's loving embrace again, or have their parent's to guide them through life, let us all do our part to do what may be done ...






Thank you to the parents who bore the ultimate injury, "No parent should ever bury a child", to the brothers and sisters who lost a sibling... we give our purest and sincerest thanks and eternal gratitude.






America, put aside for a day your differences, between us let there be no black, white, indian, asian or other races. Forget about ALL OF OUR DIFFERENCES for a day. For today, we must honor those who made our very existence and right to be free even possible, and remain ever mindful of the duties and responsibilities we owe the ones they left in our care.....

Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Freedom isn’t free 🇺🇸
4 months ago
lambsone{countrySir} - Lincoln's Gettysburg Address expresses so truthfully the sacrifice these men and women made to give us and other countries around the world, freedom. I especially like this section: "... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion" ...
4 months ago
TheAnt​(dom male) - I recently ran into a Dom here who expressed great anger towards us veterans even gleefully relishing the fact that I am 100% disabled by my time served.
I was angry at first and then I realized first he was not an American but second he had never served and never had to watch his fellow soldiers cut down in their youth or even held the hand of a dieing man who was just 19
My point is we fought for a cause that our country said was just. We did what we had to do. We don't feel like heroes for the sacrifices made. Instead we feel like we answered the call of our Nation. We aren't great for it, nor necessarily brave, we just did what was right.
I thank all my brothers and sisters who made my time distanced from my family and those bonds are greater than any I have ever known save for my bond with my submissives even out distancing my family.
We only ask that others take our place and keep the idea of Democracy alive. It is truly not free.
-The Ant
4 months ago

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