Sorry if my title is click baity but it’s sorta true although I have a disdain for envy or jealousy. Since I am a mere human though, I can’t help but have feelings that resemble the above mentioned.
See, I think I disconnect very easily. When someone talks to me I tend to zone out. It’s not that I am being rude or that I am bored or sleepy but it’s the fact that I am not I touch with my emotions. When someone shares with me what’s going on with them in a deep way I get a bit taken aback because I don’t really know how to bare it all to someone. Some of you, from what you’ve described in your blogs, seem to be attuned to your heart and feelings and know how to say the things that deeply bother you or more move you. You express wholeheartedly and with passion. I feel like I lack that. In the neurodivergent community they would call the masking (possibly) or having some autistic traits like seeming robotic to others which is what I have been told in the past. Sometimes I’ve been told I laugh too loud or talk too low and I can never seem to get my conversations right. I’m constantly grinding my teeth like I’m always uncomfortable to be in my own body.
It seems like I’ve been like this for years and never really understood why. Anyways, I am just ranting. Hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful weekend!
X Holdmethrillme