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the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
3 years ago. November 18, 2020 at 6:42 PM


i stuff my turkey with the sissy and I have! Lol!

DaddiesPumpkin​(switch female){Not Lookin} - I stuff a turkey with the other dudes rock. 🤣
3 years ago
T slave​(sub female){Owned} - 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I stuff my turkey with... you and the other hand the same.... 😂
3 years ago
T slave​(sub female){Owned} - Love it!
3 years ago
Pockets - I stuff my Turkey with the right now though I have a few people.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
. . . .Dont have a turkey . . .
But! If I did . . . . 😈

(Dont have a middle button either . . .)
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){N/A} - I stuff your turkey with the two of us have a problem with texting and how could we go to sleep?
3 years ago
ribbonbaby{Guarded} - I stuff my turkey with....the kids.
3 years ago

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