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Poetry and whatnot

1 year ago. January 23, 2023 at 8:37 PM

From a young age, I have believed that maturity comes from experience. You can be in your twenties and be more mature than someone in their fifties. Which is why everyone that I surround myself in is typically an old soul at heart and have matured well beyond their years on this Earth. Humanity as a whole is very unexceptional, not only are we killing this Earth but we are killing each other and anything that inhabits this big rock we call a home. 

This prologue, of sorts, is just leading up to my main topic. . .Change.

Some people, not many that I have witnessed, go through something so unbelievable that it changes them as a person to their core. You know, the I'm not who I once was type of change. Not because you feel different or because you are growing and changing as you get older but because you are fundamentally a different person from this series of events and there is no way to get any part of that old person back. It is normally forced upon you but sometimes you choose it, regardless if it was the right choice.  Throughout life, when I people watch, I wonder how many people have been through this type of change and how they ultimately became okay with this new person. Mine happened about 11 years ago, it took me a long time to be okay with the new me so this is a topic I think about a lot. 

Just some food for thought.

Be kind to one another because you never know what someone else is going through.



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