I get the odd out of blue DM’s asking if I can give them a task so I’ve decide to share the odd one. If you get excited to accomplish a given task fantastic! If you want to DM me that you completed one then great. If you don’t want to great as well.
Task 2 - Tight Nipple
Before head out (shopping, dinner, walk, etc) one wide elastic (not thin). With one nipple wrap it around until you can feel just enough pressure before getting too tight. If needed back off one overlap.
Once ready you can put your bra on and continue as intended. While out it’s harder to stop and relieve this pressure. So again not to tight but enough. When you need a break visit a bathroom or private space and release it. With same nipple pinch and pull it to help with some of the tightness. Once good either continue without elastic or put it back on in the same fashion and repeat. Some may make it one round, some a few. Keep count.
** The point is not to have it to tight that it hurts. Please do not wrap it to tight. The point is that if your nipple can get hard and get a regular size elastic around it that it’s just a small amount of pressure. With a bra on it’s felt but not hurting. Again the point is not pain but feel and irritation and some nipples are better at this than others 😄
You’re not to put the elastic on your other nipple. This is for one breast not both and the other is not to be played with.