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Priest of Sanguine

Tales of what helped create me, out of order, and no animals were hurt in the creating of this blog!
Most Tales are based on my real life with Fantasy and/or Fiction included to protect identities as well as enjoyment for
those reading. Names like "Bunny, Rabbit, Squirrel" or variation thereof, are not referencing actual Cage member names.
Its how I view my Prey from the stand point of a Primal and Hunter.
If Cage member names are use: 1) it's with their consent. 2) will have ^ before & after the name.

All Stories told are unique and your comments are greatly enjoyed so please do comment.

For those who play Skyrim: Priest of Sanguine is not a reference to the game its a reference to my life style choice ^,..,^
Go grab a drink, maybe a snack, sit back and enjoy the Tales that I delight in telling... even the hard ones.
4 weeks ago. December 28, 2024 at 3:36 AM

"2024 is almost over, so RESPECTFULLY confess something you've wanted to tell me. It will be between us.


~Put this as your status and see who surprises you.~ Hoping I don't regret doing this." 

My edit: Don't worry about being respectful, If you are going to say something, get it off your chest and say it.  If it's a confession... I got my Priest collar on, so... no little boys 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



1 month ago. December 25, 2024 at 7:06 PM

Merry Christmas 🎁 🎄🎁 

As I sit here gaming, enjoying a cigar and cup of coffee, watching Christmas themed shows like.... Die Hard, Nightmare before Christmas. Thought of y'all and wanted to wish this to be a fantastic day for ya 


Gawd I need to redye the beard once this day is over!


1 month ago. December 18, 2024 at 12:00 AM

I have been talking about Lasagna for the past few days.  I thought I would share what I mean... in this day and age of paying high prices for a meal that leaves ya feeling like something was missing.

Like love.  Love for cooking, love for food and love for those you're cooking for.  Today's food is about recipes, profits, and doing minimal while asking for maximum. 

I cook like my Mamaw taught me... No written recipe, seeing it in my head and adapting the recipe for those about to consume it.  (Life been a bit stressful lately?  Add rosemary with the Italian spices, fragrance matters.)

Suggestions to reduce the time it takes because this can easily take 1 1/2 - 2 hrs start to finish:

Do multiple things at once, start with the sauce, while it's slow cooking on medium heat (dial number 5-6), mix the cheese, cut anything that needs sliced, mortar and pedestal your herbs and spices (makes the flavors pop), as your sauce begins to steam, turn it up to med high and start the meat.  Soon as the sauce begins to bubble cut the heat down to low (3-4 on the dial) and stir moderately throughout the whole process to keep it from burning on the bottom.  When the meat is done, leave it in the pan, off the eye for 3-5 minutes before stirring it into the sauce.  Mix well, turn off the eye and take a break.  Come back in 20 minutes to start the combining into the pasta pan. 

Sauce mix: Slow cook 18-24 oz Tomato sauce, 12- 16 oz diced tomatoes, and about enough tomato paste (6 - 8 oz) to thicken up the sauce.  Add some olive oil 1-2 tsp, Italian spices, sliced black olives (8-12 oz) and half that amount of sliced green olives and sliced mushrooms to taste. (Jalapeno for a spicy kick), (Rosemary and thyme for comfort) or (Whorishire and soy for a meaty robust) OR (pineapple and diced thin sliced ham) unusual yes, but taste fantastic.

Cheese Mixing: Mixing together 4 out of 5 lbs of mozzarella, 2 out of 3 lbs of Coby, 2 lbs Parmesan  2 lbs of Ricotta along with all the spices.  (In a separate bowl toss the 1 lb of mozzarella and 1 lb of Coby)

Meat mix: Cook together 1 lb Italian sausage with 1 lb turkey burger or hamburger meat, add some Whorishire sauce for a bolder meat flavor (especially if using turkey), add garlic, black pepper and onion.

Noodles: I don't know how to make lasagna noodles from scratch, I buy the "ready for oven" kind.  If you wish to boil your own, I'd advise a tsp of garlic, a dash of sea salt, olive oil, and some Italian herbs.  If you add this before boiling the water, the noodles will absorb the flavors.

Once everything is cooked and cooled down some, place the first layer of lasagna noodles in a deep, large lasagna/cake pan. About a 1/3 of the cheese mix, topped with 1/3 of the meat sauce, and repeating two more times and using the remaining Coby/mozzarella for the top.  Cook covered at 350 F for about 30 min, shut off the oven, remove the foil cover, turn on the broiler to low and place the lasagna back in.  Usually takes about 5 minutes but watch it through the glass in the oven door... When the mozzarella starts to turn from this gross pasty white covered in grease to a light tan, things are going to burn quick.  Within the next minute it'll turn a nice hue of gold, watch the edge and peaks for dark brown and pull it soon as you see that happening.  Let it sit uncovered for 10 minutes, outside the oven.  When it cools it'll look like the above picture.  When you pull out a few pieces, it'll look like the below


Disclaimer: this will weight between 12-15 lbs. Remember to bend at the knees when putting it in and out of the oven.  You'll want a second piece but wait 15 minutes.  Misery comes with that second piece 😂.

Much like a relationship that you care about, this takes time, patience, sampling, adapting and dedication to make.  If you put your heart in the process, you'll taste the difference by the smile on every mouth that consumes it.  I do not make lasagna for me.  I make it for those I give a shit about.  It's that random reward to say thank you for being part of my life.



1 month ago. December 14, 2024 at 10:58 AM

Some days I feel like the Elmer Fudd of the Monster world.  We're both bald, we both like to sneak up on our hunted prey.  We both have a weird, while yet distinct laugh... You just heard him in your head.  Admit it!  While his is goofy and makes ya want to chuckle, mine can be rather... Sinister... Running chills down the spine and making the heart speed up. Yet the more pointed interest is our love for Wabbits!  We have an insatiable fetish for the furry lil whiffle hoppers.  Those Bonno's or Buns,  Bucks or Does, or Lagomorphs if you prefer the more ancient labeling, but no matter what you wish to call them, they are a disturbing lil ball of cuteness the makes me... Oshy goshy.

That's right.  For all the fear I can generate in ones mind, and the intimidation I can project forth to make people cross the street or feel uneasy around me, it's those damn lil furry rodents that can make me hid my fangs, sheath my claws, and even curb my sharp tongue. (It's down right fuck'n embarrassing... If... I... actually ever were to be embarrassed, that is.) I know it's hard to believe due to my assholeish nature and lack of any discernable moral code, but yeah ...

My lil loppy "Jasmine" can reduce me to a monstrous heap of oshy goshy with just the boop of her nose to my ankle.  Her way of saying "I need daddy time, please." And in my head it's that soft whisper voice of a shy little girl, afraid to ask but... but... she needs her daddy!  I've literally been late to work, because she wanted my time. 

Then there is Shadow... He's nothing like Jasmine.  They both have an attitude at times but his is more prompt.  His boops are more like a 2 year old at ramming speed.

He's a Giant Flemish and he's a chunk!

A 15-20 pound ball of zoomies, and binks.  His "Not so floppity loppity's" (ears) are as long as my forearm and where Jasmine is shy, timid and somewhat recluse, Shadow is an attention whore, demanding time, snuggles, cuddles and Banana's!  Get your mind out of the gutter ya kinky lil shits... The vegetable.  Esh.  He sleeps with me on the couch sometimes, when he's feeling excessively needy and omg does that lil bastard just give me the oshy goshy when he does.  Whether it's snuggled between me and the couch or laying on my chest like I'm holding an imp, it makes me feel... Well... The way I've been seeking from partners since my late teens.  Wanted.  Desired.  Trusted.  Dependant on and appreciated.

That's not a slam on women or past partners.  Jazz is a rescue Bun, but her desire for food was stronger than her desire to hold on to her past.  (Rabbits are very food oriented) Shadow has never known anything but food, love and attention, whereas humans tend to shit on one another and are made to be afraid of who and what we are.  But how does the oshy goshy of a Bun Bun  equal into a fetish... *Grins mischievously* I'm so glad you asked.

A body with a gorgeous set of breast, will make me perk a brow and think impure thoughts.

Subtle waist and birthing hips may make me pitch a tent.

A well rounded ass may make my hands clench in a desperate fight over the need to swat that thing before burying... Ut um... 

But that side head look from those blinkers (eyes) surrounded by soft, smooth fur, will stop the world around me. 



Tell me that shit didn't make you smile...

I could watch my Buns Bink all day.  The joy I get is better than those tits.  And I REALLY like tits! A - H cup, they are neigh unto perfection... They just need some bunny fur... 

There is few things in this world, more stimulating than a lovely set of birthing hips (breeder need, in me... engage!)

However you smooth your hand over the fur of plump bunny haunches and feel that muscle taunt for action... Ut um. Yeah, I may have fantasized a couple times.

A smooth, firm bum or a bouncing badonk adonk that can ripple for days... More than my hand hurts with the thought and anticipation.

BuuuuuUUUt... That Booty ain't got no fluffy lil cotton tail! And no, Buns don't like ya messing with their cotton balls.  However if they trust you, they'll let ya feel how soft those top tuffs are

While several of you are are probably laughing about me sexualizing a rabbit, You just don't KNOW!

If it was physically possible... If they could consent And it be legal... OMG, we'd be knee deep in cross species Heathens 😂. When is genetic splicing going to become available for the general public?!?

My dream girl:

My oshy goshy for these lil fluffs of utter joy translates in my grey matter to such a depth, I find myself 🤔 less me... To those who somehow align themselves with a furry lil prey animal.

It's the reason I chased AngelBunny, and engaged her in conversation... it was her avatar picture of a rabbit head on a woman's body.  The raw primal need to have her made me bare fangs on those who attempted to come between us.  And while there is absolutely no reason for me to have been... When we first saw one another, I was slightly disappointed by the lack of fur. (However she eats like a rabbit and stomps her foot like a rabbit which is cute as fuck to watch, so that makes up for it... some... 😂)


Psychologically speaking though:

Rabbits are prey animals. It's in their nature to be suspicious, timid, and afraid.  As a sadist, I eat that shit up! Nom nom nom nom tears are like Reese's cups to me! 

Yet a bun... Can see more in me than fangs, claws and horns. Dogs back off and change their aggressive stance, outdoor cats stay as far away as possible 😂 and thankfully I have zero affinity to skunks, but rabbits... Against their nature they'll take that chance, looking for a connection.

From what I've seen in most of those furless, little eared, small thumpers using some form of whiffle hoppers name, they share the same characteristics.

They rely on the consistency, trying to take time to let one prove themselves out while at the same time they can run headlong into the gaping jaws of one wishing nothing more than to devour them. Never seems to be anything in between....Some come off timid while others have a boldness to find their voice and with the right motivation, they even feel empowered enough to step away from the protection of the undergrowth but it's rarely the nature of a bunny to be seen unless they are looking for something particular.  They spook easy and  they can just as quickly rush down the rabbit hole where it takes days to coax them back out... Unless you're offering food.  Just like the furry bearers of the name, bunny's and their variants are quite food motivated. 😂 (I fix a mean lasagna, just FYI)

So I have come to terms with having a Rab'it Fetish... though still struggling over the whole oshy goshy thing.  In the moment it feels right, then I think about it and cringe as the hebe-jebes set in.

Have a wonderful day out there, be kind to Bunnies and kick a cat. 🤣 

***Disclaimer: no animal furry or otherwise was harmed in the writing of this blog.  If you're butt hurt, feel free to file a complaint with Sir Don, at least he's empathetic.*** (You're welcome Don! 😂)

1 month ago. November 29, 2024 at 1:26 PM

Am I bluuuuuuue,

I'm a little irritated with the way Cage has decided to go... and while I am going to express my opinion and views, remember I'm here for the same reason as many of you.  Share my privet life of perverse desires, safely and have a discussion, hopefully based in respectful (or for kink talk, respectful) conversation.  I did not copy/paste the entirety of the newsletter, but only the parts that rub my ass raw... I didn't consent to that 😉😂.

THE CAGE: our optional identity verification service. This groundbreaking step allows our community to communicate with greater trust and authenticity than ever before. Verified members will receive a blue check mark next to their profile, symbolizing their commitment to transparency and real connection...

Exactly what is "Greater Trust"?  You either trust someone or you don't.  Anything less than Trust is not trust.

Authenticity ... As in real, actual, true to ones person, spirit or character?  Anyone who wants you to know another, will gladly validate themselves and um, what is that ⭐ on those premium members mean?  Didn't that use to mean authentic also?  Now all my personal photos, blogs, and sharing of life both present and past, are suddenly nullified because... Why exactly?

Symbolizing my commitment to transparency... Umm.. it's illegal for Cage to sell my personal information or even do a background check on me, let alone give any of you kinky fuckers that insight.  So how does a blue check mark make anything about me, transparent?

Max Heathen lives in Kentucky.  It's on my profile.  Cage isn't permitted to tell you that my real name isn't Max, or what my real name is.  They can't tell you whether or not I'm actually in Kentucky soooooo??  Seems to me, it's done nothing but plant the thought that you are not safe around anybody without a blue check mark, while obtaining that blue check mark provides only a false sense of security.  Kinda manipulative, in my eyes.

Real connection?  Is that check mark going to force me to tell you if I'm married with children??  If I have nefarious deeds in my past and have spent time in the prison system?  If my goal is to mind fuck you or worse?  Is it going to provide a cupid arrow shot up my ass to make my heart instantly grow like the Grinch who stole Christmas?  How the hell is a check mark based on nothing more than Cage having legal knowledge of my birthday, name, location, etc... going to help make shit real-er?  That same information can still be provided on multiple other accounts.  The check mark only validates information, not how many usernames are connected to that validation so I can have multiple "real connections" while pretending to be Mono e'Mono with each person willing to believe the bullshit story.  Perhaps they meant alter reality connections? 

It’s a perfect opportunity to experience the benefits of a more trusted, safer community at no cost!...

what benefit?  Do I get extra options that those without the check don't receive?  Nope, that already done in premium... So how exactly does it benefit me or you?  A false sense of security is still insecure in reality.

While verification is optional, we understand that not everyone will choose to participate, and that’s perfectly okay. Verified or not, every member is a valued and essential part of our community, rooted in the principles of real people and real connections.

By the verbiage, it implies those without a blue check mark that have showed up every day for years, blogged, been active in the community and proven their character are... Not as real or safe as those with a blue check mark.  And didn't they already say that the check provides the benefits of a greater trust, authenticity to prove we are transparent and real people, looking for real connection, which is why we are premium and have been for years, but now are saying none of that is actually needed because we believe all of you, with or without the check mark or the premium status, are real people looking for real connection...

Could someone explain this inclusive bullshit talk to me so nobody feels left out while excluding people and then saying, your excluding yourself by not signing up when I didn't have to sign up for years because I purchased the premium but at least that came with actual benefits... You know, back when words meant what they was designed to mean.  Back when SSC meant SAFE... SAIN... CONSENTUAL, notice the very first S is promoting we all Practice SAFE.... fuck me, I should have a checkmark branded on my ass crack.

On a side note that isn't a side note but actually a reminder of past Newsletters of practices done, explained and yet... not really... 

Remember when you woke up one day and thought the personal ads that use to be here, had glitched?  You remember when you could post an add of "looking for"  in a Submissive, Dominant, Male/Female/Transgender or even Just Friends post to find somebody who may match up with you and start a conversation?  Remember how nothing was said for nearly a month if not more until enough paying members inquired and an article was posted about the sudden and immediate need to remove that function due to credit card regulations?  Did ya remember on down in the article where it said:

With fewer payment options, higher commissions, and the need to remain vigilant in the face of ever-evolving regulations, the path to compliance becomes increasingly challenging. 

This was the foretelling marks of what is coming... How can a site gender quiet financially backing while staying honest with their subscribers?

Seemingly innocent collection of personal data by insinuating they are not as safe as they could be.  Manipulating your insecurities so You, of course will see this as a need to secure yourself but how?  Add a verification process, of course!  In return for this gift of concern they'll lock your personal information away all nice and neat in a Global AI that is located where exactly? Shhhhhh you didn't read that *Waves hand like a Jedi Master* This is not the information that you are looking for...

With this ushering in of a safety concept they'll reward your obedient compliance of freely giving up your personal information with a blue check mark... Which is used in a huge amount of other apps, similar to all those dating apps that are abhorrently restricted by credit card companies so we'll follow suit of many popular social media sites.  Sweet!  What an awesome benefit!  In exchange for my real name, real location and whatever else is on the free and simple application I get a blue check mark and deep probed by a Global AI into every cookie on my PC, Laptop, notebook and mobile device... But um... Question real quick.  See that shiny star by Premium membership holders?  Your Credit card which is a valid proof of identification, linked back to your bank but shhhhhh lets ignore that because it doesn't fit our soft manipulation push for more personal data that can actually be used, legally.

Wait wait wait .. time out.  It's not legal to sell my personal information and we've been assured that it's safe in that Global AI thingy, right?  Heeeell yeah baby!  That information is there till someone buys out the company but in the meantime it's safe....



What else do you see on all those apps that is pleasantly absent from Cage??  Go ahead, look anywhere on you screen... What is missing?

Where's the ads?

Or... At least missing for now.  That need to increase payments so they can finance those higher commissions can be subsidized in adding a "no ads" option but you'll need to pay for that...

Psh, fuck that! I'll just hit skip when I can and keep on going, you say?  That's right you fuck'n banger of a rebel!  Put it to the man! Resist the machine with your blue check mark safely by your fake username.

However ads do something that is perfectly legal somehow... They collect your free personal data from the cookies in every sight you visit, almost like sniffing that AI probe that was shoved up your digital ass by the Global AI.  Cage won't sell your info.  Veriff will keep that shit on lockdown, however Cage will take payment from these ad companies, just like all the other social platforms and dating sights that is full of blissfully ignorant users.  Full well knowing that those ads are collecting the very data that we were promised, won't be sold... They didn't lie, they simply answered the question analytically.  Excluding HOW they make money from ads... It's not by commission of your purchases.  Ad companies watch your blog, forum post, search history, and have every right to your adult content because it's public information that is freely posted here. 

Sooo what stops the Ad companies from selling your information? That is an interesting question because again, they sell what you are looking at, reading, and searching for, which you agreed to by accepting that Terms of service and having that cookie placed in your devices... Even that camera up there to bring us closer together... Hmmm I think I feel like, somebody's waaatching meeeee..., yes your auto and video files, contacts, pictures, etc are all included, so all those ad companies then know what to present to you so you'll buy products from another well known site, that pays for those ad information collectors.

Congratulations 🎉 you got a blue check mark and Cage gets a greenback check, the ad companies get a greenback check and the product manufacturer get a check that you write... Aaaaah. Isn't manipulation wonderful? 

Scare you.  Offer safety. Then... Secretly take full advantage of you.

You know, kinda like that Dom/Sub who claims they'll take care of you.  You're their one and only.  Spends endless hours paying attention to you till you find out they are actually married with no plans on leaving their spouse... And kids.  Or finally meets up with you, rocks your world, then poof... Ghost city.  Damn I love transparency!

just one more thing to add... While you may have felt that transparency comment they made, applied to the company as they use this app also, 🤣🤣🤣🤣 g'damn your gullible, they at no point said they would be transparent with you.  It's all one huge ass fucking illusion of double standards.  Keep on Preaching those ethics to us, Pastor Cage, I saw ya fingering the Deacon's wife in the baptismal room.

*steps off the soap box.* 

Obviously I'm going to miss this once in a lifetime validation of my authenticity so I guess I'm looking at a Blue Christmas this year. Unable to fake dom some whore with pebbles for brains.  Pourquoi moi, Pourquio!?!  A'well.

As a Master who enjoys this community, I'm here saying be careful with your information.  If they can manipulate what you purchase, what else can they use that information to manipulate us for?

Max... who's not Max, but is known as Max... maybe in real life but probably not, but maybe so.... 😇😈 OooOOoOoooOooOo 🤣🤣🤣
(Feel free to comment below, Conversation is always a plus.)

5 months ago. August 19, 2024 at 9:31 AM


Thx for the chuckles I've gotten from those involved in this challenge.  The above link is the original post. Don't forget to heart her post and join in on the fun.



8 months ago. April 28, 2024 at 6:05 AM

To me it is annoying when I see how horrible I used to write,  Bad grammar is a bit more tolerable than using the wrong word and yes there is a difference between Were, Wear, Where, Yours, Your, and You're.  My worst issue has to do with, when to use "is" or "are" or how to string small sentences into longer ones that flow without reusing the same word too many times while in close proximity to said word, being used in prior sentences.  Commas... when to use them, and when not to, or when it just doesn't matter because it would be correct either way.   WRITING HARD! So I found these things to help me out.

Tips:  The app: "Grammarly", is your friend.  The app may not be perfect for your writing style but it will help to teach you how to write better.

Once you have finished writing something, force yourself to read exactly what is on the document before you instead of assuming that the words are there or that you wrote the correct one.

For those who are visual learners, this actually helped me: 



😂  Where was Wierd Al when I was in middle school?!  I probably would have paid closer attention.


Have a great day and Happy writing, ya kinky bloggers!



8 months ago. April 27, 2024 at 10:01 PM

** = Alternate Ending

Mini-Stories by Max 


Confused Confliction:

Narrowing his eyes, temper building as he storms across the room, backing you against the wall for all the intensity of his rage... "What. did. you. do?!" He growls
Your eyes dart left, then right, you don't have have a fuck'n clue what pissed him off. Your heart raced nearly as fast as your mind while you try to put pieces together of what it could be...
He snatches your shoulder and spins you around, pressing your face against the wall with his hand against the back of your skull before pulling your hips back. There is little mercy as his cock fills you up, forcing it's way into your tight little hole.  The intensity builds as time moves way to fucking fast and your mind sizzles to the treatment.  You feel his cum rush inside, it's warmth confirming exactly how you was meant to feel... Barely able to stand, nearly grateful for that hand still holding you fixed to the wall, you hear him whisper in your ear. "If you EVER do that again, I swear to the Gods! You'll get the same damn treatment!" **He then releases you and goes about his day, leaving you to wonder... Wtf did you do?!


Alternate Ending:

Daddy Affirmation:

He then kisses your neck as he withdrawals and turns you around. "Now go clean up and pick out a snack.  You've completed your task and been a good girl today. I just wanted you to know... I noticed.".  He gives you a kiss before continuing on about his day.


He presses your body against the wall with his, pulling your head back to claim your lips in his. "You are the calm in my chaos, a lighthouse in the storm." He wraps his arms, protectively around you in that hug that leaves your body humming in his security, before he continues on about his day.

Sadistic Master:

He then whips you around and intensely kisses your lips, nipping the bottom one just enough to make it bleed. "Good whore." He growls with pleasure, before forcing you to your knees. "Now clean your Master." He commands, thrusting his cock down your throat for a few drawn-out rhythms, holding your head as you gag on the last one. His thumb traces the tear on your cheek as he smiles down at you. "Now fuck off, you know I have shit to do." With a wink and a push, he continues about his day.


The End


Thank you to ^ Squeedoodle ^ for the inspiration of this short story, link to the blog:



9 months ago. April 17, 2024 at 8:51 PM

You're you, looks damn good on you.   Keep doing you until you unlock the you that advances the you that you are.


That's all.












why are you still here?

oh fuck me, you are greedy... Fine: 😘 ... *Swat* (to where ever makes you feel good)


Now go away kid,  ya bother me.




9 months ago. April 16, 2024 at 9:06 AM

Life is a lot about learning and I hope I'm not the only one out there that looks at something... 🤔 Ponders and then start thinking of something a bit kinky.  Thank you to Apkrodite for the fun challenge of self-degradation and sharing "learning experiences.". Grab some popcorn and a drink.  Sit back and enjoy!  (Link to the challenge: )


Food Play Kink

When I'd first gotten married, I'd taken the wife back to our newly purchased home and we did those things that newlyweds do.  There she was, in the kitchen fixing up supper and me being me, I found it quite sexy watching her prep food.  Slipping up behind her, one thing leads to the next and there we are on the kitchen floor having a good ole romp with the pudding bowl next to us, smearing it here and there, using it for lube, licking it off one another right up to the explosive moments... It was rather fantastic and the first time I'd used pudding... and like, why waste a whole big mixing bowl of perfectly good pudding, right?  Removing the glops off her body, with every intention of consuming it later, we put it back in the bowl and tossed it into the fridge without another thought.  The Ex could cook... like, top tier, invite the family and friends over just so ya can brag on how great of a woman ya have type of cooking! 
The next day, we're interrupted in good morning escapades by a knock on the door... Nothing like family to fuck up a good day!  My mom and dad have come over to visit us.  The Ex was a perfect lil hoist back then and immediately went to fixing up some breakfast for everybody while I'm talking to mom in the living room.  I'm in the middle of making mom laugh when I hear my dad complimenting the ex on her cooking, I turn to look and here he is with the fucking PUDDING BOWL!  He goes on telling her how she even makes pudding taste better than normal... I'm sitting there trying not to laugh my ass off as I watch my dad, eat my wife's sweat, and my cum mixed into the very dish from last night.  Let's just say it was the most awkward breakfast hour I've ever had... 


FFW several years after the separation.


I was out grocery shopping with a wild thing that had massive Masochist tendencies, perhaps a slight bit unstable... or a lot, with jealousy issues that teetered on a knife blade.  Here we are picking up a few things and entertaining the notion of what size of gourd would be too much for her to handle when she picks up a pack of fresh Jalapeno.  I perk a brow like "Um.. do wha?" and she nods with that look in her eyes that I'm all too aware of, so we toss them into the cart.  Finish up shopping and head back to the house.  Now mind you, this is all very experimental for me and I can't help but be turned on and thrilled at the concept of trying something new and adventurous. So there we are, I have her bent over the table and we insert the largest of the pack, up her kitty, and start using it like a dildo.  After a few minutes of nothing happening, we were both a bit perplexed... I mean, this should have been rather spicy so wtf?!  Disappointed and my imagination running at a thousand miles a minute I started thinking things through and it dawned on me that the spice was inside, not in the husk.  Pulling out a kitchen knife, I made a few slits through the husk and popped it back up into her kitty but this time she started moaning, groaning and bucking and I thought why the hell not!  Up inside I went with it.  O  M  F  G!!  The sensation was freak'n fantastic!  Spice stung through us both and I must say it was the quickest achievement we'd ever had, leaving a puddle on the floor that made me want to shout for clean up on aisle five!... um... interesting side effect.  She swelled up so tight I couldn't have put my pinky back inside her with a vat of lube especially once the jalapeno collapsed and broke open... and gentlemen just some FYI, it's massively difficult to take a piss when the hole of your cock is sealed so tight that ya piss out glass at fire hose pressure... Oh.. and the burning doesn't stop just because ya finished. 😯  I'll leave it with Milk is your friend... wish I had thought of that sooner.😂😂


Have a wonderful day.