How hard is it to find someone that will do what they say they will do? How hard is it to find someone to connect with that will care? How hard is it to find someone that will follow through?
Its stupidly hard and it should not be... there is so many people out there but it's always something... I'm too bratty. I'm too large. I'm too trained. I'm not trained enough. I'm polyamorous. I'm in a nested non BDSM relationship. I understand people have their lines and limits but it's always something.
Then there are the guys that say oh yeah, we can do that and then poof or worse yet they try to use a hard limit list as a bucket list. Red flags raise up everywhere, which stresses me out and then I end up taking time to regroup.
It should not be this hard. I just want someone to click with... talk to... be accountable to... *sigh*