Hello Cage friends,
So tonight I bring you a gift. It's me being weird and fantastic trying out some different things using my throat holes.
I really hope you enjoy, but part of why I am also sharing this is because I wound up applying to an animation company that is always looking for people to do voice over work for the different shows they produce.
Well I sent an email a few weeks back to apply saying that I'm an amateur but would like to come in an audition if at all possible.
Just a few days ago I heard back saying that there is an opportunity and I settled on my audition date being Oct 29th at 9:30 am. I'm pretty dang excited to see what they think.
I am hopeful that they might find something for me, but I'm looking forward to going in and doing all I can to try and just enjoy myself. But it could be a very interesting opportunity to start a second job from home if that was an option.
I will definitely boast my successes if it happens they find me to be a fit for the current project but the best part about the audition is they will have what I can do on file. So if they think I might be appropriate for a future project they can keep me in mind.
I hope you all a superb evening.