The problem with knowing someone is out to sabotage your relationship is that pretty soon you start to see villains around every corner. Your thoughts get consumed by it.
For me, I'm an emotional eater. I banned sugar in my house, but too much of anything is not good for you, and I did some pretty serious damage to the bag of sugar-free chocolates last night; I know that I will be paying for it today. The pain in the pit of my stomach is only partly due to the chocolate (which was delicious...consequences be damned), so I will go to work today and immerse myself in adolescent angst (like that is going to help my own issues in any way) and progress reports.
Maybe by the time I get home, I will have stopped this downward spiral of anxiety in time to have a great weekend. If not, it will be Johnny Castle, strawberry wine, and a bubble bath after work.