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Journey as a New Submissive

Here is where I will talk about the ups and downs of my journey to finding my mentor and naturing my submissive plus all the things that come with it!
3 years ago. July 12, 2020 at 2:03 AM

Recently I decided to get back on track to lose weight and that was my first mistake. As someone who suffers from an eating disorder I know that’s the wrong mindset to have. I need to eat healthier and strive to have a healthy life. Changing my habits to lose weight is a never ending black hole. How much weight should I lose? When do I stop counting calories? When do I stop weighing myself serval times a day? It’s a exhausting. When I fell I fell hard. Nothing entered my body that I didn’t know how many calories was in it. The amount of calories in a single piece of cheese is scary. I worked out non stop and over obsessed about my appearance. I was what “society” said I should be on the outside I was hollow on the inside. I don’t look in the mirror and like who I see. But I don’t hate it either. I need work and I’ll work towards that but there’s always a chance of  relapsing. 

With that being said going down this path again is shaky it’s scary because sometimes you don’t see it happening it starts with little things and spirals. I want to be healthy for me but I know my past and what my mind is capable of.
I’ve come really far to living for me and not for others. However it’s a slippery slope and I’m not afraid to admit I think I’ll fail . I’ll fall to those voices saying more weight needs to go, that’s to many calories, no one will want you if you are fat. I need to do this for me but going in I know it won’t be easy it’ll be nothing short of a war zone. 


Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - I've been in there. I had anorexia and bulimia in high school. Thankfully I was able to put an end to it before it caused serious damage, but 20+ years later I still struggle with being able to diet and not fall back on old habits. For me it is not so much the obsessing over what I'm eating, it is what happens when I fall down and eat things I know I shouldn't. If it is a bad enough episode or becomes a regular problem, I get so disappointed in myself that I'll fall back on the bulimia to undo it ... and once you fall down that rabbit hole, it just becomes a cycle of doing it over and over again. Needless to say, I've given up on dieting (a long time ago), am focusing on eating healthy and being active in general, as well as learning to love my body the way it is.
Hang in there. Just remember that you know yourself, especially when it comes to your history with eating disorders. You know the behaviors, the habits, and the mindset. Keep a vigilant watch on those things and instead of setting goals in terms of pounds and inches, maybe focus on just eating healthier and engaging in activities that you enjoy. Make it about the food and activities themselves, enjoying those things, and not about your body. I've found that to be very helpful 🤗💕
3 years ago
sweater​(sub female) - That’s so amazing and wonderful advice I’m going to try my best to fast and stay on the right path.
Thank you for sharing that!
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - No problem, and feel free to reach out if you ever need to talk about it with someone who understands 😊
3 years ago
eva sparrow​(sub female) - You never get over an eating disorder, but you can recover. Like any addiction, and yes, I classify it as an addiction, because that is how it felt to me, and still does to this day, you will always have it. Learning to accept that it is part of who you are, and learning to tell Ana to shut the fuck up when she whispers to you in the dark, it's really fucking hard. Sometimes it is a daily struggle, sometimes it is occasional, but even sitting here 18 years into my recovery, I can still hear her voice sometimes. It took years for me to stop seeing food as a series of numbers and learn to enjoy it. Each of us recovers differently, but we are all stronger than the disease. My inbox is also open if you ever need it, because recovery is hard, and it is even harder alone.
3 years ago

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