I get it.
I really do.
It's hard to lay it all on the line: what you want, what you hope, how your needs might be met. Some of these things may feel wrong to you, but they are not wrong they are merely you. Some of these things you feel guilty for, but hiding them will only make your experience hollow. Creating something special requires the most delicate of negotiations, and for that to happen successfully, you have to be honest with yourself and the other person.
All I ask; this one thing, is that if there are wants and needs, then lead with the needs. Don't hide the "must haves" behind a wall of "would be nice ifs". All that will do is probably waste your time and the time of others. Some people have what you need and many do not. Don't tarry with finding that out. Some things are just too important to sit on and withhold from the other person. Don't stoke the hope of others needlessly, it does more harm than good. It is preferable to be thought shallow than to be thought cruel.
I always lay it all on the line in excruciating detail that leaves me open and vulnerable. Though to some it may feel like a lot to take in to me its one of the mot precious gifts I have to offer: drawing back the curtain to a stranger i a leap of faith.
I always take the time to ask a lot of questions, to state then restate and clarify who I am and what I expect. I'm shaking the tree, expecting a hornet's nest to drop but hoping against hope to find that one perfect apple to sate a hungry soul. My time is also precious to me, and the second gift I offer up.
I'm always honest about the situation and with my answers to questions, even when I know the answer has more chance to cost me. Honesty is the third and greatest gift I can offer to others. If one cannot be honest here and now with something amazing on the line, can you ever be?
Honesty, time, and vulnerability: the treasures that I must cast at the feet of a stranger in the hope they recognise what they are. Each time I must exist in terror of having them treated as though they are trash; picking up the now dirty, still worthy feelings after they have been trampled thoughtlessly.
Let's be honest to each other and more importantly to ourselves.