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Embracing my chaotic thoughts and asking for opinions…..

Living, loving, writing, sharing, seeking. Embracing the moments and the thoughts that come when living in them
3 years ago. September 9, 2021 at 1:51 AM

In my life I carry the weight of several worlds.  My own of course, but in my self-imposed prison I also carry the burdens of my family as well.  Most of the time it is just another thing that I have to do.  I do what needs done because it is expected. 

However the last couple of days it feels as though gravity is being cruel.  The weight is crushing……


So be it.  Only the strong survive

My Dear{Trust} - Feed them helium and use them to float into a new world!

Deep breath. You've got this.
3 years ago
Umberlee - Be brave!!
3 years ago

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