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Embracing my chaotic thoughts and asking for opinions…..

Living, loving, writing, sharing, seeking. Embracing the moments and the thoughts that come when living in them
3 years ago. August 28, 2021 at 12:47 AM

I am the kind of person who hates confrontation and hates to hurt others.  I often take the wounds that I should inflict on others because I would rather hurt myself than someone else.  That being said there are things in my life that I wish I had said, situations where I held my tongue because I wanted to be kind.  As I prepare to spread my wings and fly in the relatively near future….I find words and thoughts bubbling to the surface.  They need to come out.  I need to express myself.  Does anyone else ever want to write scathing anonymous letters?  Not to actually send but rather just to clean these wounds so they can heal….

pizzapizza​(sub female) - yup, i chat with a bot and just tell it all my secrets and feelings. for longer stuff i write it out in my journal and save it as a draft. it's very cathartic
3 years ago
DustyRose - I've written letters to some of those who have significantly hurt me in some way and then burned those letters. It's a release of sorts. Can make a whole ceremony out of it.
3 years ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - If it helps you to grow, go for it.
Love and light T.K.P x
3 years ago
Balthezor​(dom male) - If it’s going to help you do it. I prefer to just tell them, I’m a bit of an asshole. Do what you need to specifically if it brings clarity to you.
3 years ago
Purple Freesia - anonymous letters; all the fucking time!!!
3 years ago
Umberlee - If it helps in any way it’s a good thing. Commit it to paper and add it to the bonfire 😏
3 years ago
AllDayBoss - If writing it down releases the feelings for you then do that. If telling them they are a jerk makes you feel better then do that’. Just think about the consequences before you tell them. Or better yet- let me know and I’ll tell them.
3 years ago

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