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My rants

Random thoughts on my head, my main blog is connected to my profile.
6 years ago. October 14, 2017 at 7:44 AM

 For those who were counting, I forgot rant 12. 

I'm sick of guy not reading my profile, and then messaging me as if they are perfect submissive and I will not say "no." News flash: I will say no, and I mean when I say no.

Confidence is good, but it's bad when it makes you look cocks and more dominant. 

Do not be a cookie-cutter submissive (just like everyone else)

Give me 110%

Stand out. Be different. 

Treat messaging as if you are in a job interview. Read on me, learn about me and stand out.  . . Make me remember you. 

Most of all read my profile, see what I want and what I don't want. If you are what I don't want movery on. 

6 years ago. October 12, 2017 at 7:26 AM

I've been told that my journal (rules) is now too much again.
 Look, if I had a dollar for each time a sub  or beta asked or what I want and what I want to mold them to be, I would pay my rent this month.
 I'm finally getting rules with rewards and punishments, being stricter, and tell what I want the mold to be and they say it is too much.
If you can not serve me, the way I want, then there is the virtual door. Best of luck in your search. 
I understand not every one is for me, and I am not for everyone.
Please don't tell me what I am doing is wrong. I'm sick of those saying that I want too much. You are just upset you are not it, so you put it down. If I am not for you simply move on.
I put on my profiles that I am picky. Please read the profile and my blogs before you think you can truly handle me. I am a lot to handle, I am seeking those who really want to serve, those whose purpose in their live is to serve and make their mistress happy.
I will NOT change my rules. I like my rules and I know what and who I want. There is 7.6 billion people in the world at least 2 to 3 betas will fit what I want in my poly household. I will and do care for my subs and betas, but this is NOT  a vanilla website. My life is NOT a romantic chick flick. I believe my purpose to give 2 to 3 betas and sub their purpose in serving. If you want that prefect romantic life, try that stalking app with Match.
I know what I want/who I want and I refuse to settle.

6 years ago. October 9, 2017 at 9:28 PM

I'm single 

BUT I am NOT looking for any sexual. 


I am still just looking for betas to serve me. 

Age limit 25 to 39. 

6 years ago. October 9, 2017 at 9:21 PM

I have an age limit for a reason. 

It is 25 to 39 (39-45 are iffy right now)


I just personally do not feel anyone under 25 is experienced enough to know if they truly want to serve. (Live it up. I also have two brothers 22 and 18 and anyone under 25 just remind me of them,. who do not know of my lifestyle.)


As for anyone 40 to 45. . . Im very picky. There are some who dont like their age. . . good for you. Keep up. We can chat, but I will not promise anything. 


45 and up is a solid no. My parents are in their fifties and I do not to train someone who could hve changed my diaper as a baby. It turns me off and grosses me out. Gravity with balls and cocks in the older years turn me off. 


I know what I want and what I don't want. This for me. . . it can be different for someone, but if you are under 25 or over 39 please seek someone else. 

6 years ago. October 5, 2017 at 6:34 AM

I am sorry to all those currently trying to pursue me.
I am currently happily taken.
I have a local submissive boyfriend.


I dream of having a poly house, in which I am the only dominant and i have several betas. (2-3)


I'm seeking just beta friends.

I am very picky.

Age limit: 25 to 45.

Nothing sexual, just chat, encouraging, serving, working, and supportive betas

6 years ago. October 5, 2017 at 6:28 AM

I understand some careers are under the spotlight, but then I think they should just simply find an open-minded girlfriend.

I am an open book. I will answer any question. I don’t usually post myself because of my weight not because of lack of openness.


I just cannot stand these guy who want a “secret” domme or mistress. It’s like he has his damn life in suits, and dresses wining and dining kissing ass or having ass been kissed while at home he takes the domme out the closet.

People are (especially dominant) are not toys.

I’m not telling everyone that you are sub or beta and in chastity, but I also do not want to being used secretly while you have a fancy life.

This is why I do not want an online sub and (beta need to be specific).  I also do not get off or masturbate so how can a sub serve me online unless with pics. I only like hair, eyes, smile and chest. I want my unicorn. I know what I want. . . do not say you are the one for me unless you are 100 percent of the unicorn list.

6 years ago. October 4, 2017 at 6:58 AM

There on average a weird maturity level thing that happens to most people give or take around the age of 25. (To me it was 27, but I didn't start dating until I was 22. I also think I was repressed due to a rape. Yes, I am that open) I'm not saying this doesn't happen early, but it's rare. It's 25 being stepping stone. You are quarter of a century old, so mortality sinks in. 


Yes, I know I am going to get the "you're wrong, I never grew up." Again i said this for most people. The thing I've seen it with are the older people on here, fetlife, and a little on collarspace. The ones in their 30s and up. 

It's different for everyone. Some want to settle down with kinky spouse. Some want to figure out how to have the kink around their kids. Some are trying to figure out how to balance their fun with their work. 

It just they had their craziness in and want some kind of responsibility and/or settling down. This why on my previous rant mentioned under 25. (Again this just an average number.)

Please do not tell me I'm wrong, because your suck on a number. 




6 years ago. October 3, 2017 at 6:03 PM

I'm so sick of anyone under age 25 thinking they are instant dom (trying to dominate me because I'm a female,) or thinking they want to be a submissive when they are still virgin. I will NOT train a 18-24 year old virgin. 


Go out and have a vanilla relationship, see how much you give or take . . . Break your virginity and see who you are, make something of yourself, and figure out what you want. 


Just because you read a book, does not mean you know what you want. 


Figure out what makes your groin tingle, look at your fantasies (because reality is not as fun  or work out as well as porn, they have a director telling them what to do and how to do it.) 

6 years ago. October 1, 2017 at 7:55 PM

Turn on 

In order to inspire me please have majority of these. It was to inspire my erotica. 



  1. Blond hair with Blue eyes
  2. Tight abs and Clean shaved chest
  3. A certain shape in lips      
  4. White, straight teeth     
  5. Baby face or stubble on a man (Not  a mustache or full beard) 
  6. British, Irish, Australianot ascents are hot


How  he treats me

  1. Making me feel like a million dollars
  2. Worshiping me     
  3. Someone who is honesty to me       
  4. Some who can make me laugh      
  5. Calling me gorgeous or beautiful (even if I don’t believe it.)



  1. Be unique.
  2. Nothing in which I will submit
  3. Add if there is a mess a clean scene in which the submissive will clean
7 years ago. September 27, 2017 at 1:01 AM

A unicorn is a mythical creature usually mentioned in fairy tales.
Sexual unicorn is something so detailed that the probability that is exists is rare.

* My sexual unicorn would be a fit blond man with six pack and crystal blue eyes.
* He would have medium hair that would slightly cover his eyes in a playful way or he would spike it.
* He only has eyes for me, and once he met me that he could not stop thinking of me.
* He works in business and wears fancy suits and looks amazing with on or off.
* He smells like a million dollars, but it's a mellow smell nothing that would choke you if you were in an elevator with him.
* He has a good sense of humor and tries to make me laugh.
* He loves to touch me games daily massages.
* He is always excite about my cook, writing or art. He is my inspire to much of my writing and art work. I get excited when he cooks and cleans for me.
* He gives awesome oral under a desk or table while I write.
* He masterbates in front of me while I read my erotica to him.
* He understands me, finishes my daily to do lists without complaining.
* He anticipates my needs. 
* He has me work out to create more energy. I love when he works out or makes us dance nude.
* He drives me where ever I want to go, and he is good driver.
* He calls me his beautiful sexy goddess.
* He says my decision whether it's food or workout or sex session makes him a better submissive and a better man.
* He watches sports with me.
* He texts me throughout the day to see if I am ok.
* He show public displays of affection when we are out together.
* He loves to spoil me by taking me out and going shopping, and he get excited over surprises I get him like sexy toys or outfits.
* He doesn't know if he like the bondage more or our role playing.
* He loves foreplay as much as I do.
* He knows the minute he walks in the door, his body is mind. He loves when I take it over.
* I  love when he draws a bath for me and then ends up in with me, we both relax in the bubbles until he gets too playful.
* He wants me to be happy, but he is honest and not afraid to speak up.
* He will eventually want married with me. We get two cats and maybe a dog.